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"Where's papa?" I asked my mom. "He's working overseas," my mom lied. My mom was a liar. She never told us that they had a divorce and the day after the divorce, papa was gone. Not only papa, but the stupid fridge was also gone. I hated that fridge, it kept lying that it didn't have the supplies we needed so my mom sold it on ebay. Luckily, somebody bought the fridge so we didn't have to deal with it anymore, we also bought a normal fridge instead. 

The following weekend, a tall man stepped into the house. "Who is this?" I asked my mom. "This is Chad!" She replied. "He is going to be replacement papa." Replacement papa?! No. Fucking. Way. I can't believe my mom is engaged with this asshole, well he looks like an asshole to me. I tried to convince my siblings that our mom divorced with our papa and became engaged with Chad, but none of them seemed to care. 

The very next day, my mom cooked some broccolis for dinner. She called us over to eat but I convinced my siblings that the broccolis were rotten so they refused to eat. I refused to eat too. The reason that I refused to eat the broccoli was because the broccolis are fucking expired, I checked this time. No wonder yesterday's broccoli tasted like absolute dog shit. She threathed us that if we didn't eat, she would call the doctor. "Do it," I said to her. With her whole body shaking, she picked up the phone and dialed the doctor's number. How the fuck did she get the doctor's number? Oh well, who the fuck cares anyways. The door swung open and.. PAPA?! 

I was shocked. I couldn't say a word. It.. was papa.. Oh my god. Papa got demoted to a doctor? Last time I saw him he was a very successful business owner, not a doctor. Wait. I thought again. Papa's business got closed down. I suddenly remembered. Holy shit. What if my mom is a gold digger? What if she divorced my papa because his business closed down? What if she married Chad because he was a rich successful lawyer?

I ran out straight into the woods. I couldn't look back. I couldn't stand this family. What has this cruel world become? When I ran out, I stole a lighter from my mom's table. I searched for the treehouse that me and my siblings played hide and seek in when we were younger. I climbed onto the treehouse. I layed down gently onto the treehouse floor, thinking of the memories we had in here. Slowly, I flicked open the lighter.


"Local kid found dead in a treehouse in the middle of the woods" It was all over the news. His sister picked up a book in his room. "Read this" It read. His sister turned the page.

"One thing that gives me unlimited amount of happiness is stars.

When you look up into the dark sky you see billions of stars.

To me, each star represents a different idea.

Like a loved one I miss or an enjoyable moment I had with my family.

That's how the stars are from my point of view.

I hope to be a star to somebody one day.

Just remember me.

Remember me, not as the person who lied horribly to my parents, but for who I was.

I am Johnny."

Johnny Johnny- The ultimate Fan Fic by ligmaballs123Where stories live. Discover now