Part 3: The date

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A very fancy restaurant!
R: Aww Daniel how did you know this was my favorite restaurant?
D: I didn't I just wanted to bring you here.
R: Do you know how expensive this is?
D: Yes! But you're special so I will spend all my money on you if I could!
R: aww Dani *you hug him*
Daniel grabs your hand and you walk in together.
You sit down and look at the menu
D: what are you gonna get?
R: hmmmm... I don't know, what are you gonna get?
D: I'm gonna get, maceroni and cheese with Apple Juice.
R: Haha obviously you would. I might get a pizza slice with Apple Juice because like Apple Juice is soo good!
D: Omg I love Apple Juice! We've got something in common Yay! High Five!
You high five him and giggle.
The waiter comes to your table
W: what would you two like?
D: Can I have Maceroni and Cheese with Apple Juice?
W: Sure, and what does this beautiful young lady want?
R: Excuse me please don't call me beautiful, I'm 18!
W: Oh sorry beautiful!
D: I'll get the manager if you keep doing that! She is with me tonight not you leave her alone! I don't want you to spoil this for us! Now please give us another waiter!
W: Sorry man!
The waiter walks off.
D: Sorry Robyn, I don't want this date to be ruined.
R: it's ok Daniel.
Another waiter comes up and takes your order WITHOUT HITTING ON YOU!
After 10 minutes, your food comes and you start eating.
You catch Daniel staring at you.
R: What?
D: What?
R: why are you staring at me like that?
D: Because you're pretty.
R: *smiles and giggles*
After you have ate, you and Daniel go back into the car and he takes you down to the beach.
You both sit down together and watch the sunset.
You lean your head on Daniel's shoulder and he wraps his arm around you.
D: You are so cute
R: Thank you cutie.
Daniel kisses your forehead
D: Robyn?
R: Yes?
D: Can I ask you something?
R: Sure
D: Will you make me even happier and be my girlfriend? I know it's very early to ask but-
R: Of Course I Will!
D: I love you so much.
He kisses you.
R: I love you more...
To Be Continued

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