new year🥳

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Today was a new year. you were so excited because wanted this year to end. you got up from your bed and went downstairs to go make breakfast. alex was still asleep. you didn't want him to wake up yet. when you went downstairs you felt something wet on your legs. you looked down to see that your water broke.
you yelled because you could walk that fast upstairs.
alex said as he was coming downstairs.
y/n: my water broke....
a: shit umm okay let's get you to the hospital.
you both got the bag you needed for the hospital. alex helped you to the car and went to the hospital.
then the first contraction happened.
y/n: ahhh...mmm...
a: just breath,just breath baby
ales said while rubbing your thigh.
you guys went to the hospital and walked in slowly. alex gave you to a nurse. alex followed behind as you went into a room. then the second contraction happened. you were in so much pain that you started to cry.

you were in the hospital so long it felt like years.
alex was sleeping right by you holding your hand.
you squeezed his hand because you were scared.
alex woke up.
a:are you okay?
y/n: i'm scared....idk if i'm ready to be a mom.
a: you'll be a good me
alex then gave you a kiss.
it was now 11:50 and it was time to give birth to your first child.
the doctor came in and got you ready.
d:okay get ready to push.
y/n: okay...
alex held your hand.
d:okay and push.
you pushed and screamed.

your pov:
i pushed so hard i felt like i was hurting him. i looked and him and he looked shocked that he was having my baby. he's gonna be the best dad ever. the doctor said to push again and i did.

end of pov:

it was 11:59 and the doctor said you have to push one more time. you did and the doctor said that was it. then you heard a baby cry and you started to cry. you saw the little baby you brought to this world and she looked so beautiful.

a: man i can't believe you did that
alex looked shocked and happy.
y/n: so your the one who put me through this pain.
you giggle and alex did too.

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