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Herman: of course, anytime, what’s wrong

Vilu: Leon had a miss carriage with Lara’s baby

Herman: I’m so sorry to hear that

Vilu: im just glad you understand. I don’t want him anywhere near me or Maria

Herman: ok, you can chill, I want quality time with Maria (laughed)

Vilu: ok, in that case, im going to have a nap (kissed Maria’s forehead, handed over Maria and went to bed)

\\\ meanwhile with Leon:

Leon’s POV

I have to go to Lara, she is trying to wreck my marriage, she is E-V-I-L. I arrived at Lara’s house and put on the voice recorder on my phone

Lara: what do you want

Leon: why did you make up that lie about the miss carriage

Lara: (laughed) she actually believed me

Leon: yeah and now she left with Maria

Lara: lucky you

Leon: what happened

Lara: I told her I had a miss carriage and showed her a picture but I never had a miss carriage, the picture was mine and Diego’s baby. Leon, I’m pregnant

Leon: really

Lara: yes

Leon: congratulations, I better go, by the way I recorded everything

Lara: fine

Leon: goodbye (turned off recorder and left to go to Herman’s house)

End of POV ///

Herman’s POV

Leon came to my house, he knocked on the door, I was carrying Maria and answered the door and Leon tried to get past me but I blocked him

End of POV

violetta you never know whats around the corner part 3Where stories live. Discover now