Chapter one

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so please don't be like mad because it's not accurate (with phil's blindness) I mean I obviously have no idea how it is to be blind so I litteraly don't know how to write this but hells I'm trying my best

"Mommy look! A dog! Can I touch him?" "Okay darling but be sure to ask that boy if it's okay first." Phil turned his head to where the sound came from, he heard little footsteps aproaching him. He wanted to tell the girl not to touch his dog but it was already too late. He obviously couldn't see it but he could feel that James was distracted from his job and he immediatly tripped over a stone. 'Jesus, couldn't they see that he was blind and that they shouldn't touch James!? And the girl was supposed to ask me first right?!' . Phil thought as he stood up, he heard bigger footsteps coming towards him, "Oh god, I'm so sorry I didn't see the vest the dog is wearing, I told my daughter to ask you first but she just really loves dogs you see, she just goes in a trance when she sees one" "Oh, it's okay. Don't worry" Phil said politely, he didn't really know where the woman was so he just talked in the direction the voice came from. The woman said sorry another time and then walked away with her daughter. 'Even just a walk in the park has to be ruined because my stupid eyes'. Phil hated it when something went wrong even if he just tried to do somethimg simple as walking in the park. For most people tripping over a stone would probably not be a big thing to worry about but for Phil it was just another thing to proof that he couldn't even take a step without help of a stick or a dog.

He had been blind since he was born and he had accepted that he was always going to be different then the rest, but sometimes he was still very irritated by the fact that he was never going to completely independent. James guided Phil out of the park and up to the street where they lived. When they where about 20 meters away from home Phil reminded himself that it was tuesday evening. And that meant visitors. Phil's mum had loads of friends and almost every tuesday a few of them came over for dinner. Phil loved his mom but he really hated the people she was friends with. They where the type of people that would feel sorry for him and could only talk to him about his blindness (which phill really hated). Phil wondered what kind of family was coming over tonight, he hoped he already knew them so he wouldn't have to talk too much. James barked as a sign that they where in front of their house, phil let out a sigh amd carefully walked up the steps that led to his front door and quickly opened it. As he walked in the hallway he already heard voices he had never heard before. 'shit, new people.....well I could just go upstairs with James and not show up with dinner but... no I can't do that to my mum' Phil sighed and kicked out his shoes as he walked to the living room, as he got closer the voices became a lot more clearer and he was quite sure that it where only two people who visited them tonight. It sounded as a couple just like his parents, Phil was kind of relieved because now the couple could just talk to his parents and he could just sit in the corner silently. He abselutely hated it when there were kids of his age, because then he had to actually communicate which is a thing that really scared him.

"Hey darling! Did you have a nice walk in the park?" Phil's mum almost screamed at him which really irritated him since he already heard better than other people and if someone screamed it was abselutely awfull for his ears. "I'm not deaf mom, and yes it was okay" Phil murmered, as much as he loved his mother, sometimes she was really annoying. "Oh that's great honey, now please say hello to the Howell's, they are joining us for dinner tonight" "uhm, yeah, hi" Phil kind of talked in the direction he thought the couch was, but ofcourse he could never be sure until he actually heard voices. "Hi, Phil. My name is Karen and this is my husband John and my son Dan" 'oh god how stupid can you be, don't you realise that I cant see to whoever you're pointing!?' "mom don't you understand he can't see you!? idiot" Phil heard a boy say, he guessed he was around the same age as himself and he cursed in silence 'shit, I have to talk' "I'm Dan by the way" the boy said "uhm hi" 'oh god I'm so awkward' "Do you wanna sit next to me? Maybe we can talk for a bit" '*mario voice* heeere we go! an intire evening of stupid people and talking to some stupid boy and I just want to leave now, can I leave now?No ofcourse I can't. ugghh. Phil , you have to say something. oh yeah shit uhm' "yeah sure that would be... uhm nice" Phil said way too awkwardly, he just wanted to cuddle up with James but his dog was already on the other side of the room in his comfy bed.

Phil knew his living room pretty good so he didn't need his stick to get to the dining table and sit down. He heard that someone was sitting next him and he assumed that it was the boy. "So erm, what kind of music do you like?" Dan asked. 'he doesn't bring up the blindness immidiately? Wow' "Oh I like a lot of music, but mostly muse, fall out boy and my chemical romance. But I don't think you really know any of that so yeah" Phil said, he heard Dan laugh and felt his cheeks heat up 'god I'm such a freak' . "Are you kidding me?" Dan exclaimed, "Ofcourse I know those bands, they are my favourites!" Phil suddenly became a lot more interested in this boy, he never really met anyone who liked the same music as he did and he was kind of suprised that Dan liked the same stuff. "Really? Cool, What's your favourite album?" he asked, trying to sound cassual as he didn't want to look like some crazy fangirl. "Oh god I can't decide! How dare you to ask me such a difficult question!?" Dan said, making Phil laugh, which was a special thimg because Phil never really laughed with people he just met, or with anyone really. "Okay I'm sorry, you don't have to answer it. I wouldn't be able to answer it aswell" Dan laughed and thanked Phil.

"Your dog is really cute by the way, what's his name?" Dan asked halfway through dinner, "Is he? He's really soft too" Phil answered and smiled 'still nothing about the eyes, I'm starting to like this boy'. "And his name is James, I know how original" Dan giggled 'oh god that's adorable' "My second name is James, so we're kind of related." Phil laughed loudly, even though what Dan said wasn't even that funny.

For the rest of the evening the boys talked to eachother about music and how Dan thought that Gerard Way was pretty hot and Phil thought he had a really hot voice. They laughed a lot and Phil was actually pretty happy that his mom invited these people to come over. When the family went home again Dan and Phil exchanged their e-mail adresses (as Phil didn't have a phone) and said goodbye.

Phil had a big goofy smile on his face for the rest of the evening.

'I finally have a friend'

Okay so yeah I guess that that's my first chapter, I'm sorry it's shit but I just do it for fun and because I'm bored (I'm on vacation and I haven't had wifi for three weeks like what the hell why parents)

Also my english sucks so it's probably full of grammar mistakes (and typo's) but just ignore that.

oh god to who am I talking

Nobody's reading this

I'm such an idiot



by the way I bought a harry potter shirt

I'm really happy

(Also black jeans and a black hoodie which also makes me happy because I like being all black and shit)

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