Chapter 1: Through the Ashes

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Jesse and the others walked to the ground floor of Romeo's office building and stepped out into the sunlight. The townspeople's joy was cut short as they saw Romeo, formerly the Admin, walking towards them. Luckily for Jesse, Lukas' new Ocelots had run from the hallway of the building to explain to the townspeople about why Jesse had been acting so strangely and self-absorbed. Jesse still gave a hesitant wave, unsure if the citizens would accept the real her once again. Scattered whispers traveled through the crowd as some looked at her with uncertainty, but others were more focused on the bearded redhead beside her. The crowd wondered if that was the Admin the new Ocelots had mentioned. Upon realizing that Lukas and the others did not appear distressed, the crowd settled down from their worries.

Hesitantly, Romeo stepped forward, "If I may have your attention, I just wanted to make it clear that I was the one who was terrorizing you while masquerading as Jesse. I know I messed up, badly, but I wanted to clear it up for her sake and hope you won't direct any anger towards her."

Lukas backed him up, "Romeo speaks the truth. I don't know how much the New Ocelots have told you, but Romeo did steal Jesse's identity. I know it may be hard to believe considering what he did while wearing her face. Nevertheless, I ask that you please try to remember how our Jesse, the real Jesse, would act and behave towards you."

The crowd seemed to accept the news for the most part. However, there were a few people who looked at Jesse with fear and uncertainty in their eyes. Another handful looked skeptical and shot a few glares in Jesse's direction. Jesse felt her heart sink as she caught the eyes of the wary and the angry, but she did her best to maintain her smile. Binta stepped forward, still wearing the fireworks union uniform, and stopped shortly in front of Romeo. Romeo recognized who she was and opened his mouth to apologize, but Binta decked him in the face. Jesse and Lukas both jumped in surprise, and Petra looked off to the side, concealing her delight. Romeo picked himself off the ground to look at Binta, who was now shaking.

"You're a monster," her voice quavered, "You killed Fred and imprisoned Xara for years just because they wouldn't be the friends that you wanted them to be."

Romeo remained silent, knowing that both Binta and Xara would take a while to forgive him. However, he wasn't certain that they ever would.

Binta sniffled and wiped away a stray tear, "Jesse is more merciful than I am, but I would've let you die in that place."

Jesse walked over to stand by Romeo, "I know you're angry, Binta, but he did promise to meet with Xara in the Underneath to help her out."

"Heh, he'll need all the luck he can get," Binta laughed bitterly "If she doesn't beat him up or murder him, the survivors down there might."

Jesse placed a hand on Romeo's shoulder," Come on, we'll take you to the Underneath, so you can make up with Xara and get started."

"Jesse, who's going to watch Beacontown while you're gone?" Radar piped up from the back.

Jesse smiled,"You, of course. Petra, do you want to come with us or should I take Lukas?"

Petra held out her hands in refusal, "No way. I'm good. I can help out Radar start cleaning up town while you're gone. Try not to get yourself killed."

Jesses laughed, "Alright, hopefully it shouldn't take too long. I don't know how to access the Underneath from here, so we'll have to use the Atlas."

Ivor walked over and handed Jesse the cyan flint and steel and the Atlas for her to get around as needed. Jesse told the Atlas to take her, Lukas, and Romeo to the Underneath to reunite with Xara. Romeo remained silent as the white runes floated into the air and a white light enveloped the trio. Lightning struck in the distance as the they flashed into the Underneath, specifically the remains of the Oasis. Xara, Soup, Val, and a few other surviving members from Romeoburg continued to fight off mobs and set up lit areas to deter anymore mobs from spawning. It was difficult and tedious, but it had to be done. Xara wiped sweat from her brow as she leaned against a slab of wall, resting from the defeated wave of mobs. She'd been too busy fighting to notice the flash of light that brought the trio to her, but she tucked a lock of hair behind her ear as she noticed the new arrivals.

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