Play pretend (Rickyl Fluff/One Shot)

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Author's note: Set on s4 sorry if this is badly written..

It was a hot and humid day at the prison as everyone's lids are heavy and sleepy, their slow and lazy movement almost mimicking the walkers outside the fence. Daryl sat on the bench; carving wood for his arrows as he glances at everyone on the recreational field, every other person was either hunched on the fold-able chair or gulping down their bottled water until the last drop. He glanced at Rick; he is still working on the garden, sweat dripping from his forehead, concentration etched on his face. Rick and Daryl has been closer than ever since the whole CDC mishap, even when Shane was there to intrude, Rick still looked towards Daryl for opinion. After the farm and after the governor attacked them, Rick and Daryl still remained close, with sharing inside jokes and playful banter; it is almost like they met even before the apocalypse began.

Their closeness is obvious, the others often joked about the two of them,"Belonging to each other". The others found it amazing whenever Rick and Daryl gravitate around each other as if they have their personal pull on each other's attention.

They surely have a tight bond; in fact, Rick is the first best friend Daryl ever had, with everyone knowing his last name and knowing what terror his relatives has caused in his town, no one ever tried to befriend him. These thoughts was cut short when he heard the loud laughs of little girls across the yard; He stood up and walked towards them, a little girl with brown hair and green eyes turned towards the redneck and asked, "Hey, Mr. Dixon! Wanna play with us?" "What're y'all playing?" Daryl asked curiously.

"Pretend." The little girl replied, "How does that work?" Daryl asks again. "Well, first is we pick which person we are going to be. For example, I picked the role of Lily's mother, now I have to act as if Lily is really my daughter, complete with dialogues and stuff. The most funny and convincing wins" The girl babbled. "So, do you want to play Mr. Dixon?" Daryl paused and contemplated his answer, "Yeah, I have nothing else better to do anyway." he answers sweetly.

"Okay, so who are you going to be as? It can either be one of the grown-ups, you know. " With that knowledge,Daryl automatically knew who the victim of this little prank of his is. Therefore, he walked towards Glenn and the others and told them his plan; they stifled their giggling and nodded. With that Daryl took a bottle of water from the chest and walked towards his victim. Daryl whistled at Rick, Rick turned his head towards him, his eyebrows raised in question.

Daryl threw the bottle at him, Rick catches it with one hand and said "Thanks, man" He opened the cap and drank the water slowly when Daryl said "No problem, baby." Rick spat out the water, his eyes comically wide with what the redneck said. The idle chatter stopped and all of them looked at Daryl, all jokingly shocked. "W-what?" Rick managed to get out "What's the problem, Darling?"Daryl said smirking "Did I miss something?" Michonne asked with a deadpan expression, "I am happy to announce that Rick and I are in a relationship." The little girls from before tried their hardest to hide their giggles.

Before Rick could argue, Daryl hugged him, his arms hung from Rick's neck as Daryl planted a kiss on his cheek. Carl then decided to make the best out of this little prank and said "Didn't Daryl tell you guys? He told me earlier...And he also told me that he owed me M&M's" Carl squinted at Daryl challengingly "I'd give you chocolate as long as it is okay with your Daddy." He gestured towards Rick.

Everyone was having a hard time keeping a straight face. Rick saw Glenn hide his face in his palms as he tried to stifle his giggles, two can play at that game, Rick thought. He knew that after he does this is that the torment for the both of them would be endless, but it will all be worth it just to see the look on Daryl's face.

"Honey, are you ok?" Daryl asked Rick. "Of course, Sweetheart...Everything is fine." A wave of shock and confusion washed on Daryl's features as Rick smiles at him mischievously. Before Daryl could talk, Rick seized the moment and he then grabbed his face and planted a hot open-mouthed kiss on Daryl's lips, Beth and Maggie's squeals echoed through the Recreational area as everyone erupted with cheers and cat calls for both men, Rick pulled away and asked Daryl with a rough and sultry voice, "What's the problem, Darling?"


A/N: This is a one-shot! :) 

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