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Liked by corbynbesson, Mc.russo, seaveydanial and 198,960 more
hollydolan:moved on, moved out. Thanks @corbynbesson for helping me move out of my brothers. Ily
corbynbesson:np beauty❤️
ethandolan:I'm sry sis talk to me plz
jamescharles: slay, sad SISTER squads over 💔
Username6:no sister squad failed BUT #corley or #ialey
Ianjeffery:miss you don't forget me on this little journey of yours 💛

Ian Jeffery

Liked by ethandolan, jamescharlesAnd 178,097ianjeffery: she sister left me,but u still sister love her

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Liked by ethandolan, jamescharles
And 178,097
ianjeffery: she sister left me,but u still sister love her..... sisters help
loren:aww Ian hmu we can talk 😍
ethandolan:she didn't leave you she left me 😭 I miss my sissy
graysondolan:@ethandolan maybe you leave that bitch and she'll come back
hollydolan:@loren thoat I'm still here back the fuck up
jamescharles:Ian got a sister tattoo he really misses her
hollydolan:hoe I never left you ily I just left my dumbass brother dm

No hate to loren I legit love her and Ian just for the story lot of spice stuff coming maybe with Ian and loren maybe with Holly and the wdw boys just wait and seen❤️

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