Introducing Nicole

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So , Nicole is 24 years old , she was born in Indiana but was raised in a small town called Mobile. She was raised in a one parent home , her mom Veronica , and her dad David , had split up around the time , she was three. Well , around the time she was five , Her mom had met a guy named , Benjamin. Nicole , began to come around all of Benjamin family , they all accepted her as their own. Well , her mom and Benjamin ended up engaged around the time she was seven. So , she gets news her mom was pregnant , Nicole was excited because she had been the only child for eight years. She had to learn to prepare herself to be the best big sister she knew to be. On October 20, 2004 she had a little sister born named Maya. Oh how excited was Nicole, she jumped on big sister duty quick.Nicole , her mom , sister and step father Benjamin, are now the complete family .
Here we are , Nicole is now ten. Her biological father David , is still partially there so Benjamin is the only hands on father figure she's had since the split up between her mom and dad.
Benjamin had no kids , so Nicole had prepared him to become a father before her little sister Maya was born. He was the best step father a child could ask for , as her sister got older she learned the differences in the being treated differently. Benjamin soon stared making differences in her and Maya. Nicole , had already felt betrayed by her biological father David , so she smiled and pushed through it, she felt if her father could hurt her heart first , it wasn't much another man who isn't her real dad could do .
She , began seeking love and attention in the wrong directions. One day she went to work with her mom. She got bored of sitting there so she asked her mom could she call Benjamin so she could go back home with her sister to play , her mom of course called Benjamin , he came ! But when he pulled up he was very mean to Nicole , so Nicole decided she no longer wanted to go home, she then realized "hmmm, I'll just go home" he then told her NO! That's not what you said , he slammed the door in her face , while she's running behind his car begging and screaming for him to come back he leaves her all alone in the parking lot of her mom job. By this time , she goes back in trying to wipe the tears before her mom could see them , but when she asked what was wrong she couldn't hold back the tears , she then broke down and told her mom what he had done.
Veronica , had a fit . She asked could she leave work to take Nicole home. Nicole was afraid because she knew her mom was furious. They arrive home, and all hell breaks loose with her mom and Benjamin.

A couple of days later , Nicole receive a phone call from her father David. She was excited to be a big sister to two kids , no matter the relationship she shared with Benjamin nor David.
On May 24th her brother Mason was born, she would visit her dad , and step mom Kathy to see the baby and make the relationship with her dad better than it had been since she's been growing up without him.
Well , the relationship started getting a tad better due to her going to visit almost every weekend she could. As her brother got older , of course her dad was excited because he had finally got that "boy" he wanted ! Things started changing there , Nicole started distancing herself because she was already going through being treated unequally by her step dad , so she knew the signs to well. She was once hurt again , after going against her better judgement on rekindling her relationship with her dad.
Now , Nicole is attending middle school ! Girl thought she was grown now ahaha . Things all started off great! Nicole was a straight A student , but things started to take a turn when Nicole linked with a group of girls. Nicole suddenly , began to start getting in trouble , her grades started decreasing , she stayed in fights etc.
Her mom didn't understand why she had changed and got with the wrong crowed , but she was very unhappy with it. It had gotten so bad they were talking about placing Nicole in alternative school. So her mom knew she had to make changes because she want built for alternative school, at the time it was almost summer break.....
Nicole , had passed her 7th grade year with little to NO trouble. Here comes her 8th grade year , she's excited. But on one afternoon she came home , her mom had all of their things packed and said were moving. Nicole , looked in disappointment because at this time she's one step from highs school and has made many new friends and even has a boyfriend , oooooo yes ! A boyfriend ahahaha named Kentrell he was two years older than her, so Nicole felt like a big girl , she was 13 dating someone 15.......
So , Nicole has left mobile and moved to Atlanta. Nicole and Kentrell, was still together , so she thought .
Well , on her end the relationship was everything to her. But on his ? Not so much. Nicole still kept in touch with her friends from Mobile , they would tell her everything Kentrell was doing , but when she questioned him , he would get mad and threaten to break up with her , but she what she felt was "love" got in the way every time. So she would ignore it and believe him.
Nicole , and Kentrell both had strict parents , so they couldn't visit each other homes without notifying their parents . Especially , Nicole's mom , she had to make sure his parents were gonna be there. One particular day , Nicole cried to visit Kentrell , their parents exchanged words and said it was okay for them to hang a little bit . Nicole was so excited because she had never been over a boy house , she couldn't believe it .
Well , Nicole called Kentrell very excited, he didn't know she had their parents talk. So she called very excited , he wasn't to thrilled about it . She still went because she done went through hell and high waters to get there.
She pulls up , calls Kentrell to let him know she's outside he says he's not home. But you see him come through the bushes and go inside the house . So you get out and knock on the door . His mom opens you with welcome arms , he's on the couch with an attitude because you came anyway.
So they're both sitting on the couch , quietly ! So girls are texting his phone ! Nicole asks so who's "Kayla" ? No response , Nicole then asked to see his phone , he gave it to her , she found numerous of girls texts , he denied them and said "my cousin was texting on my phone" hmmm. BS! We've all heard that saying before.
Nicole instantly felt a hole in her heart because he had lied to her , she breaks down crying . Waiting for him to apologize , and hug her ! But , he never did , he laughed while his parents came fussing at him , for hurting my feelings and watching her cry. She then called , her grandmother to pick her up. She gets up and tells his mom I'll let myself out while still crying , his mom tells him to walk her out, but he said she would be alright, She went and waited outside .
They had broken up. Nicole , doesn't visit for almost a year , she goes to a party with her favorite cousin Kimberly , she sees Kentrell of course Kentrell didn't speak , he acted as if he didn't even know her, dancer with girls in front of her etc.
Nicole , then tried to play "hard" as well! She , then started being nice to all the guys who approached her thinking it would've made him upset and come over to speak to her .
After a long night of partying , Kentrell called Nicole after it was all over to make up. She knew her grandmother wouldn't allow company after a certain time. But , because Nicole was so vulnerable she snuck outside to see him, they made up and ended up back together.
High school
By this time , Nicole had started high school ! She and Kentrell were still living in different places but they were still dating. Kentrell was a Junior at his school. Nicole , had slowly started hearing the cheating rumors again, by this time she was fed up , she had been putting up with this for 2 years. She met a new guy named Brandon, he was a year older than Nicole, He favored Kentrell.
Nicole , told her friend Ashley she liked him and that she wanted to get to know who he was . They laughed , and said they would see. Nicole , asked her best friend Toni , who he was ! She then described him and realized Nicole was talking about Brandon Thompson.
Nicole , goes home and search him on Facebook to then realize he inboxed her a day ago. She was so excited , she wrote back quickly ! They chatted for about a month and then began speaking in school, walking the halls together.
He was giving her the feeling she had wanted from Kentrell so she slowly became , distant towards Kentrell, he never noticed the distance because he was still doing his own thing.
Nicole , started falling for Brandon, he made her feel how she's never felt from Kentrell.
Nicole , knew she had to make a decision between Kentrell and Brandon.
She decided to stick with Kentrell because , that was her first love . Her first kiss , the guy who took her virginity , etc. Brandon ended up going his own way after she decided to leave him alone, he found a girlfriend.
Nicole then realized she should've stayed with Brandon because she was still going through the same thing.
Find out what happens next in part TWO.

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