Basic facts about me

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I feel like I've started ever chapter off in this book with the word "so", so how bout we don't do that again. Now that I've gotten all the new year's stuff out of the way, I'll give you the answers to some generic questions to save you the trouble of asking. Also even though these are so common and may seem insignificant it does make you closer to a person if it comes up in the future and you've remember or somthing. Also you might share the same interests and gives you a general picture of that person.
My full name - Sophie-Louise Hawker.  My first name is hyphenated and so I don't have a middle name. No one has ever called me that and I don't really tell to many people. I didn't even know what was my full name until I was like ten.
Age - I'm 15, I turn 16 on the 21st of May
Live - I'm from Australia. Some say I have an accent others don't it's pretty cool here. I've seen two snakes in the past couple weeks and it scares me because both are able to kill me.
My favourite colour - if you haven't already guessed or seen in my last version of this then I have an addiction to yellow. It started a couple months back and I'm always wearing somthing yellow. That's why I'm dying my hair blonde too.
My favourite food - It's such a basic answer but Hawaiian pizza and nutella. Pineapple does belong on pizza don't @ me.
My favourite animal - Is probably dogs. I used to have an unhealthy infatuation with turtles when I was younger. Then I went through a phase of liking wolves because of my addiction to supernatural shows. But now I feel like it's dogs for sure.
Dream holiday - London. Or just Europe in general. I don't really have any interest in visiting America but I love Europe. Plus it's all so close.
Pets - I have three dogs (well technically two but okay) and a bird. Tow of them are chiwawas the other one is a kelpie. Fuck knows what kind the bird it but he speaks and can ever say "for fucksake".
Favourite shows - I used to love Teen Wolf, Vampire Diaries and Riverdale I was heavily apart of the fandoms. I really want to re-watch Vampire Diaries tho.
If there's anything else you want to know comment and ask me I'd be more than happy to answer them for you x

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2019 ⏰

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