Chapter 11

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*Flash's POV*

I finally finished work,i checked my phone and texted Twilight:

"Hey twilight!"

"Oh hey!"

"U busy?"

",I'm planning a welcome back party at the castle and I need your help,please"

"Okay...I'll be there in 15 minutes"


I turned off my phone and headed straight to the ballroom (:p),and I finally got there. When I arrived,there were ponies all over the place.from every corner,every meter,every inch,ponies doing nothing but planning this thing.then I saw twilight,I tried approaching her,and it was a success.

"Flash! Just in time! I need you to watch that paint dry..."

"That's it? you want me to watch paint dry? And why do you need paint anyway?"

"I realized that magenta was...awesome,but then I thought that bright turquoise is way better but then purple is an awesome option and black is pretty....blank and..."

"HEY!!! You're taking this thing too seriously,what time is the party?"


"What dafaq? It's only 11:00 in the morning and you're planning it already,I mean CMON! It's not the grand galloping gala,it's just a welcome back party,just plan it the way you like it,okay?"

She sighed and nodded,I patted her in the back and smiled,it was 12:59am and Twilight and I were in the train station,she was impatient and started breathing quickly,then the train finally arrived.everypony was there,even my bros soarin and cheese,and Twilight's friends were here too,she ran and hugged her friends while I just bro fisted mine,we walked all the way back to the crystal castle,and when they got there...

"SURPRISE!!!" We both screamed at the top of our voices,they were all surprised to see the castle well decorated,and it looked awesome! We partied all night till the sun rose at 7:00am (celestia was too lazy to raise the sun earlier) so we all slept at random places of the castle.i woke up on the table,soarin woke up on the chandelier,cheese ended up inside the fridge,twilight woke up right next to me,we both blushed red,and the others woke up lying by the staircases. We ate some breakfast and drank some beer, then we decided to go back home,the mane 6 waved goodbye to twili and I waved bye to my bros.

Then me and Twilight said our goodbyes and I went back home

When I got home,I ate some potato chips while watching attack on Titan,then I went straight to bed,and this time,I could sleep, I didn't worry or think about something anymore,I was free!

*Twilight's POV*

I woke up right next to flash,on top of the table,we both blushed,and the others woke up in several places of the castle,when all of us were awake,we ate breakfast and drank beer,then everypony left the castle and said their goodbyes,suddenly celestia went downstairs,when she saw the mess we made,she screamed and growled at me,she was about to zap me with her lasers but then...

"Sister! What do you think you're doing? You can't just zap Twilight just because of that,besides I've done worse..." Luna shouted

"Yeah,and you can't stop her from having a little fun..."Cadence added

Celestia rolled her eyes and told them to come with her upstairs,then I could hear them talking about...about me and what happened last night,they were arguing and screaming at each I went upstairs and stuck my ear at the door.

Celestia-she is such a disgrace to us princesses

Luna:it's not her fault

Celestia:yes it is! And isn't it disgraceful for a princess to act like this? To act like she's free?

Cadence-why don't we just let her free?

Luna-she has been complaining about her princess life,and she'd be better off

Celestia:but...but...ugh you're right,why did I make her princess anyway?

I stopped listening and looked down,they're finally letting me go.but I wasn't sad,in fact this is what I've been waiting for,after all these years of misery I'm finally free.although I wasn't happy either,I packed my bags without emotions,i ran as fast as she can I could without anyone noticing,I went straight to Flash's house,and I rang the doorbell

*Flash's POV*

I was still sleeping,it was a good rest until the doorbell rang.when I answered it,twilight ran to me and hugged my tightly,crying. I asked what the problem was,she said she was no longer a princess,and she was let go by celestia,she continued crying and was still hugging me,I I patted her back,trying to comfort her.but then I noticed something,I looked at her back and noticed her wings weren't there,I told her "Twilight,where are your wings?" She looked back,her wings disappeared! She gasped and tried flying,but it was too late,her wings were no longer there...

I told her to take a seat and we started talking,she said she planned to stay in my house until she feels like going back to ponyville, we spent days together, when I got home form work,she would always cook dinner for me,she is truly my best friend

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