Chapter 3

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Amy felt her heart drop to her stomach and her breath hitch in the back of her throat. That single question was enough to know that Jake was immediate danger.
Amy took a deep, shaky breath "Who are you?"
The man answered " Robert Hall" Amy knew Jake had been chasing this man for months now and he was close to catching him, but it seemed that he caught Jake.

"Please don't hurt him" Amy begged

Hall chuckled " Little too late for that Amy... as of right now he most definitely has a concussion, a broken nose, stab wound in his left thigh, broken rib... or ribs, and so much more to come." Amy winced at every injury he listed. She than began to hear moans of pain in the background, she knew it was Jake. "Looks like he's waking up, let me just speed this up a bit, hold on would you?..." Amy heard his footsteps echo through wherever he had Jake and through the speaker of the phone. She was already in her car on her way to the precinct determined to drag this conversation on as long as possible so that the call could be traced. "Peraltaaa..." Hall said deviously. She then heard a thud and Jake's reaction is what drew an involuntary tear. "I have your wife on the phone so could you keep it down a bit.. thanks. Anyway.." Hall started to continue but was soon cut off by Jake "A- Amy? AMY! Amy I love you so much. I'm in a wareh- AGHH!" Jake was cut of by what Amy assumed was Hall.
"Sorry, but didn't I just tell you to keep it down, so inconsiderate, but anyway" Amy cut him off "You son of a-" "Woah woah woah..." Hall then cut her off "...shouldn't you be nice to me I am the one who holds your husbands fate in my hands. Not that it matters though. His fate has already been decided. Goodbye Amy."
"Wait!" Amy then heard the call end while she was one block away from the 99th Precinct.

Amy then called the squad all at once. "Precinct now" The squad could hear the urgency in her voice and Rosa began to ask "Woah Amy, what's going on?". Amy felt tears streaming down her face. "Just get to the precinct please I'll explain"

Rosa was the first to arrive, she came off the elevator with a sense of urgency.

Amy was pacing the floor of the briefing room when Rosa entered. "Amy what's going on? Where's Jake?" Amy opened her mouth but no words came out, her emotions overtook her and as the rest of the squad was entering she broke down and before she knew it she was on the ground sobbing.

Terry then wrapped her in an tight embrace and helped compose her. Once she was calmed down Charles asked the question on everyone's mind " What's the emergency?" Amy replied a little over a whisper "Jake was kidnapped" Everyone tried to keep their reactions to a minimum knowing the severity of the situation.

Amy then caught everyone up and took her phone to IT in an attempt to trace the phone number.

"The number is that of Stephanie Williams, here is her last known address"

"That's Hall's girlfriend" Boyle interjected
"Let's go" Rosa said "Amy your with me"

"Stephanie Williams? NYPD open up!" Terry exclaimed

The door slowly opened and revealed a crying woman.
" Are you Stephanie Williams?" Terry continued.

"Yes sir" She said through her quiet sobs
"We need you to tell us where Robert Hall's warehouse is, now."

After about 15 minutes of questioning she gave him up.
"Gear up, we get closer to losing Jake with every passing minute" Amy said as she headed to the armory.

"Let's do this" Terry responded and began to follow

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