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"hello? Yeah. Of course I can. Wait for me, " he ended the phone call and turn around to the hospital.

Another surgery and people needed him. The doctor was not available at the moment because they performed another theater in the same time when another patient needed them.

Days passed and he still could not find a way to meet her. He was busy since then, like another surgery and went out of city for meeting like businessman even he had to out of country. Maybe he could find another way or chance.

Today, the hospital was still hectic. Hell, maybe chaos now. Many patients today as they entered the Emergency. Bad luck for him.

He was busy in his office until he got call for an emergency surgery. He arrived minutes later to find a female patient was full of blood on bed. Few nurses were trying to make first action, a quick examination, put the mask tube on her, attached the IV on her hand and waiting for decision to make.

"how is her condition? " asked him to the one nurse.

"the patient has hit and run accident and lower part of her body is bleeding. We find her legs has fracture because the hit," one of the nurse answered.

He just nodded. He went to the room to check the result her scan. He found something but not sure. So he called another doctor to discuss about it.

" I think this patient has infection in the left fallopian tube. It's getting worse so we have to remove it. And I think it happen a long time ago because of something, maybe the patient don't take surgery. But we have to do it now or never because the patient's life in danger now."

" I'll do it, " Alex said.

The doctor just nodded at him. They exited and went to the patient. He told to the nurse to perform the theater. Meanwhile they prepared, Alex stared at her. It's just as if he knew her but couldn't tell because of blood and bruise on her face. The body seemed thin and lost hope for life.

Then, the battle happened in the theater. It took hours to remove that part of her internal body. When that thing taken out from her, he just cringed because that was not normal color and shape. It's like it was rotten for a long time and more weird fluid on it.

How in the world she keep this thing in her body, he thought.

They finished at night. It was success emergency surgery. The patient had move to another room. Even he not read the name of his patient because the hectic time in theater.

When he came in to check on her, he found her bag beside the bed. After the nurse went out, he looked back at her bag. To fulfill his curiosity he rummaged inside the bag because he had the gut that said you had to find about her.

Hell, in second he found her wallet and held her id card. Annastacia Constantin.

"shit! Are you fucking kidding me? " he cursed in low tone.

Like hell he didn't surprise when the patient was his ex wife, the woman he looked for days actually he even didn't make a move about it but this deliberate occasion made him met her in bad situation. He stared at her body now still wore the mask tube and IV, her body looked so weak.

"how can you even live when your life in danger? " he questioned the woman never answered him. "didn't I give you pretty much money? "

He stared at another card. It was doctor's name and he knew him. Didn't waste any time, he called that doctor. After a few rings he answered.

"hello? "

"hello, Dr. Jonathan. I am Alexander Rojas from Victorian Hospital, " Alex said.

"oh! Hello, Dr. Rojas. "

"uhm, doctor I know you are busy and I just confirm about something to you, so to make it quick, I want to ask about Annastacia Constantin. We have gone the surgery for her and remove the damage tube in one of her ovaries. I just curious how can she deal with it."

"okay, I understand what you say, Dr. Rojas, " said Dr. Jonathan. He took a deep breath. "actually it happened 5 years ago. She had an accident and we had to operate her because the baby was dead. She was in her six months pregnancy. Actually after the surgery she was just fine until she came to me said that her stomach not well. So we checked and found that she had infection but it still minor."

"infection? How could it had to turn like that? "

"well, I think she just overworked and not eat healthy food we recommended her, but it something else. When I said to her to make a quick action to take care of the infection, she just said she not had that much money because it went to her last surgery. So we had to wait until she could make sure of it. I always remind her about it when she came to check but all she could say was she needed time," Dr. Jonathan said. He paused a moment. "so I just can say, thanks to you, Dr. Rojas to operate her because she is in danger for a long time. But, I have a bad news about it. "

"and what is that, doctor? " now Alex feeling impatient.

"it is very difficult for her to have a baby again. And if she can, it just endanger her life. She knows about it. Until now, before the surgery you did, she has to consume the pill to make the infection slowly and make her body still in good condition. But it not last longer. "

ANNASTACIA (wattys 2019)Where stories live. Discover now