⌜ five ⌟

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why is it jeffrey?❞ chan mumbled, folding the paper back again and placing it inside his pocket, ❝why can't it be jiro?

his family decided to have one big christmas party, inviting their friends and their friends' kids. it's obviously going to be held at their house since among all of the houses, they have the most biggest backyard. and just last night, everyone paid a visit to get a paper and see who they got. sadly, chan fell asleep after watching an episode of this one kdrama and didn't got to see jiro last night. nevertheless, he can always meet the older and ask him who he got.

also wishing that jiro got his name.

at least today is the last day to go to school before their christmas break starts, that something he should be happy of.

along the way, he saw a familiar short figure and thought that this short male can help him and his journey to find what jeffrey wants for christmas. approaching him, he poked the boy's shoulder and greeted him with a smile.

hey.❞ chan said, walking next to him, ❝so, who did you get?

and you expect me to tell you?❞ twenty let out an evil laugh, ❝no.

okay fine, but i'm telling you mine.

pouting, twenty tilted his head to the side, ❝that's no fun. you could have gotten my name and—

i got jeffrey.❞ chan pulled out a familiar looking paper and unfolded it, showing the name to twenty. ❝and i have no idea what he wants. that boy looks like he has everything already.

not your love, twenty frowned at his thoughts. ❝give him a boyfriend.

the older's face lit up, ❝he wants one?

everyone wants a boyfriend, or a significant other.❞ twenty looked away as his cheeks were turning into bring red, ❝even i want one.

okay then!❞ chan clapped his hands as he just got an idea for a best gift to be given by jefrrey. ❝i will put you inside a box and give you to jeffrey.


that's one great gift.❞ the chan nodded in approval and patted his own shoulder, ❝i am proud of your brain cells.

what the heck are you thinking?❞ twenty mumbled, but he actually liked chan's idea. he was willing to be jeffrey's significant other, but does jeffrey want him? no, he wants chan. ❝speaking of jeffrey!

chan scrunched his nose and wiped his face, ❝dirty water.

twenty chuckled as he mumbled a sorry for spiting on his face. he then took a handkerchief out and started to wipe chan's face and while doing that he said, ❝i finally said to yanna that don't like her and that i like her brother.

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