On Writing.

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Well, since I've started using this platform, writing has become one of the main things that I do in my spare time. To me, it doesn't matter if I'm in the middle of class or if I'm supposed to be cleaning my room, I'll always be writing.

Giving idea credit to my really cool English III teacher, I took the opportunity to get started in National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo for short. At the beginning of the school year, he mentioned this briefly whilst stating that he had a book in the works. I've always been interested in starting my own book(not fanfiction, which I usually write.) I guess that I've always been intrigued by the thought of sitting down and creating multiple characters and a plot line. I've read so many great books by many great authors and I thought that I might give writing my own story a chance. I figured that doing so would be a good challenge to help me grow as a writer.

So, with much hard work and too much procrastination, I had done the month of writing and reached around 15,000 words out of my 50,000 word goal. I know I could've written more if I had actually written, but I still had to make room for my school work and I had to do the occasional chore so I wouldn't get in trouble.

I find writing as my form of escapism. In hard times, I'll write until my emotions melt away.

As boring as it seems, I sometimes find myself wanting to write more than I'd rather socialize. I have more confidence in writing my thoughts or ideas rather than simply speaking them or just speaking in general.

In the times I let my friends of family read my works, they'll all say that it's good or that it is well-written. Their satisfaction gives me a sense of happiness because I know that I can put some of my talents to use.

Not all the time will I use writing as a serious manner. I like to write stories based off of very strange requests from my friends at school. It feels nice to make my friends laugh from some random thing that I had written the night before per request.

Nearing the end of this chapter, I would like to thank everybody who has supported me as a writer in the past.

I know that I have only been writing for a few years, but I have improved exponentially, and I hope that I'll be able to continue to grow even more.


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