Tag #3

9 1 9

I got tagged by ebItCh_lAsAgnAe

1. Either spiders or loneliness.

2. Since I don't particularly care about my safety/well-being/ life, probably all of my friends. Actually, everyone, because why should I get to live if someone else has to die?

3. I cry a lot, so I need to think about this one. Tbh, I actually think it was a few days ago when I watched a new episode of Family Guy and Rupert got murdered. Stewie was so sad, poor guy 😂

4. I can't feelings good, so probably no-one?

5. Other people, people who think they're better than others, and most importantly, people who use words like "retarded", "autistic" and "gay" as insults. Tf?

I mean, it's not their fault if they're autistic, it's an actual medical condition. You wouldn't make fun of someone for having cancer, would you?

Also, it's 2019, can the lgbtq+ society finally be considered equal to everyone else? (This has turned into a rant, I'm sorry)

6. Tbh I'm boring, so... here's one people find suprising: I'm the palest human being ever.

I'm  probably not as pale as Phil Lester, but so pale that, on my passport picture, my skin is the same colour as the background. Here's the punchline: my granddad was black yet I somehow still managed to avoid all skin pigmentation.

Also, I wish I was a redhead. I'm stuck with basic brown, which is fine, but ginger hair is so gorgeous 🤷🏻‍♀️

I'm  tagging five people, so:


If you don't like being tagged, sorry.

If I just saved you from immense boredom, you're welcome.

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