Chapter 21

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Khloes POV

We just arrived at the place where the interview will take place. All of us girls are nervous we just think something bad is going to happen or management will make us look bad. We're going right now to meet with management, be aisle we have to sign this contract and there giving us pages on how each of us have to act.

"Hi girls glad to see all of you here", management said to,us three girls

"Hi", Aria said as we all sat down

"So if you guys would please sign this contract, right here and here", they said

"I think that we'd like to read the contract before we sign it"

"It's standard, and we don't have time to waste", they told us

"Fine", we all said at the same time, they handed us a pen and we signed it

"Ok we have your outfits right over there, after you get dressed you will be getting your hair and makeup. Lou will be doing that", management said as they got up and left

"I guess we should get dressed then", Serenity said as we got up and grabbed the bag which had our outfits in them, we all sat down we figured we'd show each other the outfits

"I hope mines nice", I said as I pulled it out

"Ok I'm not wearing hot pants with a shirt that goes just under my boob", I said as I out the outfit in the bag

"Ya well look at my outfit, hot pants with a lace shirt, but there's no tank top so it's see through and you can see my bra, I'm not wearing this", Aria said as se shoved the outfit back in the bag

"I have booty shorts with just a tank top", Serenity said. We all threw the outfits and then liam, Harry, and Niall walked in

"Niall I'm not wearing this out fit, all of our outfits show a lot of skin", Aria said

"You guys look awesome in what your wearing, just wear that", Liam said

"Are you sure", I asked, because management made it pretty clear they wanted us in those ugly outfits

"Ya, unless you guys signed a contract you have to do whatever they say, you guys didn't sign a contract without us did you", Harry said as us three hurls looked into space, scripting like we didn't know anything

"We're sorry we didn't know, he said it was the standards", Serenity said

"Well now you have to put those ugly outfits on, the interview starts in half an hour, we'll see ya then", Niall said as they walked out the door

"I knew we should have read it", Aria said

"Let's just get dressed", I said. We all went to different bathrooms to change. I out the outfit on and I was not impressed. I walked back to the room. I was the first one done so I got my hair and makeup done. At least that looked good. When Aria and Serenity came in they looked pissed, just like me and then they both got there hair and makeup done.

"How much longer till this thing"

"I don't know", Aria said, as management walked in

"Hi girls looking great, so here is what the questions are and how you have to respond", management said as they handed us the cue cards and left

"Ok first question is, Where are you from?", Aria read out the question

"What the fuck, mine says I'm from New Jersey", Aria said

"Double what the fuck, mine says I'm from California, I have a British accent, and your from Ireland how are you supposed to.....", I said before I was cut off by Serenity

"Mine says I'm from fuckin Canada", Serenity said we were all pissed. We read through all the questions, and not one was true about us. Like one asked, how many guys have you Dated, I gave to say 13, Aria has to say 15, and Serenity had to say 9, like omfg are they on drugs. And some of the things we have to answer with are downright stupid, like honesty. Well the interview is any second so we're not looking forward to that.

To be continued..........

Hope you guys liked it!


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