New Day At The 4th School

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''Here we go.'' Adam said before entering the school, compeletly worried. He was going to act like he is the straightest person to his friends. He went upstairs and started to wait in front of his class. He was waiting for his class president, someone has told him that his class president was a girl so he was compeletly happy about that. He sighed, while he was checking his phone he heard footsteps. Coming closer everytime, that's when he saw that boy. He had black hair, pale skin also pinkish cheeks and lips because of cold. He came closer and talked to Adam.
''Hey who are you?'' He said, being friendly and nice.
''H-hello, I am Adam Wright. The new student.''
''Who are you waiting for?'' Shiro asked him with a curious face.
''For the class president?''
Adam wished Shiro wasn't the class president from his face but he was wrong.
''I am the class president.''
Adam hesitated at first, maybe he was just mocking because he didn't liked him.
''Someone told me that my class president was a... Girl?''
Shiro chuckled and held his book even tighter.
''No, whoever told you that the class president was a girl is wrong.''
A awkward silence started between them. But Adam broke the silence.
''A-Anyways bye!'' He ran away but Shiro yelled after him.
''Where are you going?''
''To the restroom.''
''It's not that way its behind me.''
Adam blushed pure red, It was like Adam was dumb and stupid.
''Oppss, ha ha o-okay...'' He said and walked behind Shiro.
When Adam got to the restroom Shiro mumbled That's weird but cute But Adam actually heard that word CUTE.
Shiro entered calmly to the classroom and started to read his comic. The sun was hitting his black hair, making it look smooth and shiny just like his skin. While Shiro was reading his book a girl came and sit next to him.
''Hey Shiro!'' She said smiling.
''Oh hey.'' Shiro answered back, it was his crush or he thought like that.
''What are you reading?'' She said as she leaned and looked at comic. Her hairs strawberry scent came to his nose, he blushed slightly.
''Good choice, I read this one but a little spoiler. It'll end up bad. I was so dissapointe-'' Shiro cut her words.
''Okay okay! Please don't.'' He giggled with her. While they were talking Adam came to the classroom and sat behind them. The only empty place was that, his hair was messy, it was falling to his forehead. He pulled out his sketch book and started to draw something. He was hearing that girls and Shiro's giggles, he was so jelous. He didn't wanted to end up like this but he couldn't control himself. As the teacher came into the classroom she saw Adam and took him to the middle of the class.
''Introduce yourself darling.'' She said smiling friendly, she wasn't really pretty but her smile was cute.
''I-I'm adam Wright.''
''And this is our class president Takashi Shirogane, he can show you the things you would like to see. And I am your math teacher Vanessa Honey.''
''Okay.'' He said shyly.
''So if you are our new student then go sit next to Shiro.''
The girl who was sitting next to Shiro yelled
''But I was sitting next to Shiro.''
Her math teacher showed her, her serious face and said ''Lily you dont even sit there, you are sitting next to Lance dont you?''
Lily sighed and went back to her seat as Adam sit there.
''Hey Wright.'' Shiro said playfully, making Adams heartbeat even more faster than already it is.
''Want to sit with me at the lunch? My other friends will be there too.''
Adam gulped, was this a date? Or maybe he wanted Adam to be there just because of speacial reasons but he never thought a question like this would came up at lunch.
''Adam what's your sexuality?'' Asked Lily with a cyncinal manner.
''I am straight?'' Adam lied, he could never ever come out to her if she keeps being so cyncinal to him.
''Me too! Everyone here is straight, so do you have someone you like?'' She used a flirty voice tone.
''Awwh man!'' Haru said.
''He is too cute!'' Lily said with lots of 'aww's.
Adam blushed and looked at Shiro, he was chuckling and it was just so adorable.
Shiro took another bite of his pizza and checked his phone. As a guy there was so many games in it, even tho school didn't let students install games on their phones Shiro did. It was cool, everything about Shiro was cool. He was staring at Shiro when he was thinking about this. Shiro looked at him,
''Hey are you alright?'' He asked.
''Oh y-yeah yeah!''
Adam blushed and looked at his lunch box, he felt so embarrased. He never felt this embarrased in his life, he started to think. How long did he stared at him, maybe Shiro called him a thousand times and he just still stared at him. He really felt like he was a thirdwheel at their group so he stood up and left. He thought everything would be good this year but there was going to be a lot of drama going on. Adam silently went to his classroom and started to sketch Shiro's hair on a anime character. He tried to look busy when some other students came to the classroom because he was afraid and scared, he was afraid of looking like a useless trash. He was afraid that others can see him the way he sees himself. He sighed deeply.
''Why do i have to be the weird gay guy?'' He mumbled and a few tear drops fell on the sketch book...

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