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The terrified squeak she was emitting simply increased my pleasure. Oh how amazing it was to know exactly where she was going next, and she had no idea! Of course, John has slightly ruined the effect by putting her in a river, but I could fix that.

As her squeaks turned into indignant yells, I became slightly afraid. What if someone were to hear her? But that was simply impossible, there wasn't anyone here for miles.

As I dragged her across the field, she suddenly became very heavy. Looking back at her over my shoulder, I realised she had passed out. This was just great. Pulling her up onto my shoulders, I started to run. She was heavy, and her soaking clothes added extra weight, but I could hold her

Finally we had arrived where I wanted her to be. At the edge of the field, where there was a load of mud. Now I simply had to find something that I could use to dig. I thought I'd left a shovel here earlier. Aha! There it was! Grabbing it, I quickly started to dig out a hole that would be large enough for a human to fit into.

A little while later, as I stopped for a quick break, I heard 'ready or not, here I come!' In the distance. Oh no! I hadn't finished yet.

Hurriedly rolling the unconscious woman into the hole, I threw some dirt upon her and ran for it. There was no way I was going to let Simon win, and let him kill us all.

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