Chapter One.

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"Please stop." I whimpered, cowering into the dirty corner.

"Shut the fuck up." My dad spat delivering a blow to my ribs.

Tears streamed down my bruised face.

"I'm going out." My dad snapped. "Your staying here of course." He sneered. "Don't bother trying to escape again, I'm locking the door." He laughed cooly.

He slapped me across the face causing a strong burning sensation, before storming up the stairs. I stayed frozen in the corner until I heard the front door slam shut. I leaned my head against the cold concrete wall and sighed out in relief. I needed to get out before he came home. He'd most likely be drunk when he's back which means he'll be more angry at me than ever.

I looked around taking in my surroundings. It was dark. The walls, that had once been white, had turned a dirty yellow colour. Cobwebs hung from the ceiling. The smell was revolting, it smelled like rotting flesh. There was no windows, just a door at the top of an old staircase.

I had to think of a way to get out of here but it seemed impossible. My wrists and ankles were tied up with thick rope. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a flash of silver. A knife! Perfect. I rolled towards it and what I saw made my blood run cold. The knife was dirty. It was covered in red crust. Dry blood. But where had it come from? My dad beats me but, he has never cut or stabbed me. I shivered, before picking the bloody knife up, it was my only chance of escaping. After about 10 minutes of sawing, I had successfully managed to get the rope off. I stood up, my thin legs shaking as I stumbled towards the stairs.

The rotting flesh smell had gotten worse as I approached the staircase. Then, I saw it. A... well of some sort? Curiosity got the better of me and I walked over to it and peered inside. It was dark inside there and I couldn't see more than a few metres down into the well. A shiver ran down my spine, but I shook it off. I began walking back towards the stairs, when I saw movement from by the well.

My heart stopped.

The silhouette of a person was trying to climb out of the old stone well. My instincts told me to run, but I had no where to go. I realised I was holding the knife with so much force my knuckles had turned white. I decided the only thing I could do was stab the person or whatever it was. My whole body trembled as I walked towards the thing. As I got closer and got a better view of the person, I dropped the knife, letting it fall to the floor with a clatter.

Tears streamed down my face and I collapsed to the floor. This monster... Was my mom. But how?! My mom died 3 years ago. Wait... No, he couldn't have...

My moms hair was long and straggly. She had bald patches here and there where her hair had become that damaged it had fell out. Her skin was rotting away, peeling off in places. Her eyes were dark, emotionless. She was stick thin, it looked like she had been starved for months.

"Get out..." My mom managed to croak.

"W-what...?" I whispered.

"He's going to kill you... Get out..." She hissed, her bony arms reaching out, pointing at the door.

Still on the floor, I started to scrabble away from her rapidly, feeling sick to my stomach. I reached the stairs and sprinted up them, tripping and grazing my already bruised knees. I reached the door and started frantically trying to open it.

I stopped.

I could feel someone breathing on my neck I spun round and thrust the knife straight between my 'moms' ribcage. She gasped, before looking down at the knife which was now in her body. She looked down and smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2014 ⏰

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