Clara (Winter 2009)

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"I thought you was taking Mum out tonight Dad?" Ali asked his father, with barely concealed hostility. His eyes had narrowed to slits, showing a speck of ebony between his lids.
I could feel the tension between the two, as clear as a cloudless day, Jen must have felt it too, she had edged closer to me, as close as she could without actually sitting on my lap. I squeezed her hand under the table in reassurance. Her bright eyes shined at me, as she squeezed my hand back in acknowledgement.

"I just came in to meet some of your friend's son, a father's prerogative, wouldn't you say?" Mr Altinoglu, answered lazily, a wide obnoxious smile on his face, as if his son's hostility was of no consequence.
He looked around the club for a few seconds, nodding in approval.
"I like what you've done with the place." He added.

Ali and his father engaged in a sort of silent standoff for what felt like hours, in reality must only have been seconds for before you knew it, Ali's father nodded at Ali and waved at us girls, blowing a kiss to Jen, who shifted uncomfortably nearer to me. She waved in return, as I did, not wanting to seem rude.

"See you at home Son". He chuckled, his dark eyes radiating barely concealed humour, clearly enjoying our discomfiture.

Ali grunted, turning his back on his father, he turned instead to me.

"I'm sorry about him Baby, he didn't scare you did he?" Ali asked me, holding me by the shoulders, his cool hands weirdly burning my skin, his dark brown eyes full of concern.

"No, don't be silly, he was just telling us some of his prison stories that's all" I answered shaking my head, not wanting to reveal that he had actually been making sexual advances to Jen.

I turned to Jen, raising my eyebrows, indicating that she was to agree with me. I didn't want Ali and his father to have a falling out, not when they had only just met again after so many years. Also I didn't want Amanda to be hurt, especially with all the effort she had gone through lately.

Jen nodded in agreement.

"He was just having a laugh Ali, nothing bad was said." Jen concurred, whilst taking a large sip of her Pina Colada.

"I'm going to dance Baby, you coming?" Jen asked me softly, as she rose from the couch, her gold skirt shimmering in the techno lights.

"In a minute Jen, when I've finished my drink". I answered, a silent exchange passing between us.

Jen understood what I really meant. I needed some alone time with the still tightly wound Ali.

Jen looked nervously at Ali, as she edged past us to get to the dance floor, she visibly relaxed when he smiled at her, showing her it wasn't her he was angry at.

Ali came and sat in the space Jen had vacated, holding my small hands in his. The club seemed far away as if we were the only two people in the room.

He looked at me intensely, taking in my red, barely there dress, causing me to blush as he pulled me closer to him, the woody scent of his aftershave enveloping me in its familiarity.

"I don't want you speaking to my father alone, do you understand me Baby?" He told me straightly, hilding me again by the shoulders, expecting me to acquiesce in return.

His chiseled jaw was still clenched tightly, I couldn't take my eyes off of his face, so badly did I want to trace my fingers along his beautiful jawline. 

"Why not?" I asked him, slightly annoyed at his tone. "He doesn't bite, does he?" I joked, trying to lighten the mood.
"Just stay away from him Baby, ok?" He seemed pissed off at my answer and I pulled away from him. Here he was again treating me like a child.

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