Clans and Subilities

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Subility: A magical power that one has since birth, but is triggered during the Birth of their Clan when they are sixteen. Usually linked to the clan they are born to.

Life Clan:

1. Birth

2. Wants

3. Needs

4. Death (But strikethrough'd I didn't know how to do that)

Death Clan:

1. Assassin

2. Medical

3. Miscellaneous

Light Clan:

1. Sun

2. Fire

3. Electricity

4. Heat

Dark Clan:

1. Dark

2. Cold

Earth Clan:

1. Vegetation

2. Land

3. Farming

4. Animals

5. Water

6. Famine

Sky Clan:

1. Animals

2. Clouds

3. Astronomy

Ugh I know this doesn't really make sense, and I forgot a TON of things that could be important. But this won't really matter that much. It's really just for the Clans, to remember.

Thanks for reading!!

<3, Devon

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