Toxic Boy

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I wanted to help you, I really did.
But instead you pushed me away and called me an irrit.
It's messed up, I know, how I keep trying to defend a narcissist.
But let's face it you don't care about me because you're battling your own demons.
Your so called Demon of lust which you let out to lure me in but failed.

All I craved was your attention but all you wanted was to see my body at it's most vulnerable state.The body which I so often found myself loathing.

I realise now what a good liar you are, concealing the beast within you.
Unleash it for the whole world to see and they will abadon you just like you did to me.
I can not defend you anymore, I'm tired, so please I beg, just leave my mind once and for all.

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