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* JiWon pov

"Look at the brightest tonight and touch it ... Then time will go faster ..."

"What's the brightest ... Errrgghh! As expected, this must be the fool." I furiously crushed the paper roll and threw it in the trash.

This was the third time when I woke up and found a roll of paper on my bedroom's window.


"You're crazy, huh ?! JiWon-ah, even though I like you, a disgusting letter like that ... It's not my type, you know it. "David kept busy playing with his cellphone while continuing to dodge if the letter wasn't from him.

"You're the only crazy person who has infiltrated my room through a window. Hanging the letters every day is not a difficult job for you, right?" David did like me since I entered university. This exchange student from Canada is my senior. Yes, the only senior who should not be treated like a senior.

"Alright!" David stood up from his seat and put his cellphone into his pocket. "Then, next time you can open up your door if you don't like the way I give a surprise through the window." He said in a style that I found very annoying. "But, the letter hmmm I didn't do something disgusting like that." He said again while preparing to leave the classroom. "Have lunch?"

"Let go of your hand!" I stomped my shoulder so that David released his hand from my shoulder. Then he just walked away like nothing happened.

If only I could ask for a class change, I was very grateful for at least not one class with that disgusting man.


"Lady Eddriene was forced to send her children to earth to save them from the collapse of the Alphagos ..." I closed the novel I had just finished reading. I'm thinking about something while staring blankly out the window.

If David is not the one who sent the letters ... He has a point too. Even though he is very annoying, I know very well that is not his way.

"Maybe it's from one of Lady Eddriene's children." I immediately realized from my thoughts and turned towards the voice that was talking to me.

"Oh, YeWon." I looked back at the window again. YeWon put her books on the table and began working on her assignments.

"You don't need to keep thinking about it. Maybe it's a prankster. Or the biggest possibility is who else if it's not David. He is just too good at pretending in front of you."

"Obreine, Lodrick, Thom. After Lady Eddriene solved the Alphagos problem, did they all go back to Alphagos?" I didn't really care what YeWon said just now.

"You really like that novel, why not read the sequel?"

"You know this book was only released in London. My sister is too smart to make me like books that I will never know about what's goin' on next. But you ..." I turned to YeWon with sparkling eyes hoping that she would tell me. "It's fortunate to have lived in London and read the entire series of books."

YeWon smiled briefly then sighed while still working on his assignment. "Only Obreine and Thom can return to Alphagos. Lodrick ignores the terrifying rules of the kingdom and marries a woman on earth. Since that incident, Alphagos has once again received a curse. Lady Eddriene and her troops lost in the battle against Weldor's forces. The royal citizens was made slaves. Laddy Eddriene and other members of the kingdom were sacrificed for the sake of the rise of Alphagos in the hands of King Weldor." YeWon stopped writing and looked at me, "And so in the end I really hated the end of this novel." Then she wrote again.

"Such rules are just prevent their freedom to choose women they really love."

"You're not expecting the letter from someone who isn't real, right? Alphagos is just a fiction, Lodrick and earth woman ..." YeWon looked back at me. This time it was like guessing something, "You must be kidding me."

"Why??? Why are you so sure I'm thinking like that?" I laughed briefly. "YeWon, I really like being alone, I really like reading fantasy novels, you just calm down ... I can still distinguish fantasy and reality. You're over thinking it. "


I don't usually go home this late. This is thanks to the sudden call from Joon Young who lacked of waitress at his café. I actually don't mind being asked for any help by him while I can do it. Besides YeWon, Joon Young is one of my best friends since a long time ago.

It was getting late, all I could hear was the sound of the neighbor's pet dog barking as I walked towards my apartment. Suddenly I stopped, transfixed by something lying on the road. Not far from where I was standing, I approached it to make sure. I picked up a lump of paper, more like trash when I looked at it clearly. But it's like I recognizing this garbage. My heart was slightly pounding while opening one by one this paper. I hope it's not like what I think right now.

I sighed, "Really ..." I circled my eyes around me, making sure that there really was someone behind this.


I could only sit transfixed in front of my study table while staring at the papers I had picked up on the road. How come, I threw it away a week ago and suddenly appeared right in front of me. This cannot be just a coincidence, David is also not possible to do it.

"Three stars in the sky, only one that attracts your attention ... Touch it ..."

"I'm not the only one. But you know where to look. Touch it ... "

"Look at the brightest tonight and touch it ... Then time will go faster ..."

"Touch it ... Touch it ... Touch it ..." I throw one by one the paper onto the table. "What do you want me to touch, huh ?!" I moved from my study desk to the balcony of my room. I looked up at the sky and sighed in annoyance. Alright, maybe this will look very stupid. I raise my hand towards a star that was shining in the sky as if I touched it. Maybe if I obeyed the contents of the letter, this oddity would end soon.

"I have obeyed your wish." I turned to look at my study desk and spoke with the papers as if someone was listening to me. I hope this is not the first sign that I have a mental illness.

I let the papers lie on my desk. This time I will not throw it away again. It's funny if suddenly they appear before me while I'm taking a shower.


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