Chapter 2

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Ciel began, his voice hoarse and broken. 

"Get out...! GET OUT!!!" 

He screamed over, and over, and over again, only digging his fingers deeper and deeper into his skull. 

Auburn eyes widened in shock, gloved hands tightly gripping the silver tray in their grasp. Just as his mouth opened to speak, the trembling boy interrupted with a soft whimper. 

"Moth-ther..please...leave..leave me al-lone.."

His voice was broken glass. enough pain in his tone to shatter a person's heart. 

        Sebastian hesitated, confusion and surprise engulfing his mind.

Do I stay?

Is he talking to me?

Was that an order? 

His mind racked itself, thinking through every possible thing he could say or do, and every possible outcome. However, his options felt quite limited with Ciel. He'd never seen the earl in such a state, so he had no idea how to calm him, how to fix the situations and also avoid as much emotional contact without abandoning his duties as Ciel's caretaker. 

Was it even his duty in the first place? Does protecting him include emotional turmoil?

'You couldn't even help if you wanted to!' a voice in the demon's mind giggled, several others agreeing and throwing in their destructive opinions. 

'How could something without a heart help?'

'Rather than that, how could a /monster/ help?'

Giggles turned into laughter, turning into cackling that echoed in his mind. 

Sebastian pushed these voices and their harsh words down more and more until they finally became silent, for the time being. 

        Wall-trembling thunder growled outside, strong winds pelting never-ending rain at the rattling windows; and yet, it was all drowned out by the broken boy's sobs. The quietest whimpers seemed the loudest, the harder Ciel tried to quiet himself, the more effectively the sounds pounded against Sebastian's eardrums. The butler furrowed his eyebrows, taking a half step forwards before speaking, his silky voice calm and maybe even a bit worrisome. 

"Young Master, is everything alright?"



 "Leave me alon-ne....."

Uneven, chocked out words barely slipped through; each syllable fighting to be heart through heavy staccato breaths.

"So's been....hhh...just get out of my're killing me. Leave me alone."

The doe's frail body calmed, the grip of frail fingers weakening; as they seemed to be satisfied with the light layer of crimson staining them.


Sebastian could nearly hear his stomach growl, saliva forming at the corners of his lips which he quickly licked away. Another half step forwards.

'He's hurting himself.

I must step in, I must help him....I must...'

'KiLl HhiMmmM 


TAkE WhaT YouVE BEen WaITIng fOR

YoURe SoOo huNGry ARenT YoU?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2014 ⏰

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