Chapter 2

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It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped. – Tony Robbins

I have never cried like I cried that day. I don’t even care about the looks that I’m getting inside the ambulance. Sure, crying a bucket must have decrease my manly points but who cares. The person that I am supposed to propose to is lying on the stretcher with blood all over her body. I haven’t let go of her hand yet and I am planning not to. The entire ride towards the hospital has been a hell for me.

When we arrived at the hospital, Joohyun was wheeled in straight to the operating room while I was left there at the front of the door, looking through the tiny glass window attached to it and checking on her. I didn’t know how long I stood there. Minutes. Hours. I wouldn’t even notice if days passed. I just stare there, watching and waiting, not knowing what else I can do.

“Yonghwa? Is that you?” I heard a voice calling and I looked back and saw my older brother.

“Hyung,” I whispered. Yunho Hyung walked closer to me and I unconsciously leaned on him.

“What happen? Why are you here? Does dad know?” Yunho Hyung asked to which I just shook my head in answer. He led me to sit on one of the benches outside the operating room. Yunho Hyung is an intern here in this hospital which is owned by our family. My dad is the hospital director.

“Yonghwa, talk to me. Tell me what happen. I can’t help you if you won’t talk. Who is in the operating room?” Yunho Hyung asked again though with a little caution.

“Hyung, J—jo—joohyun….. uri Joohyun-ie… what should I do? What should I do, Hyung?” I asked him amidst the tears threatening to fall in my eyes. “Hyung, help me. Can you call Dad? Tell him that I need him. Tell him to send his best doctors. Tell him to save her.”

“Ahrasseo, Yonghwa. I’ll do that. I’ll talk to Dad but first tell me what happen?” and I tell him what happened, down to the smallest detail. After talking to him, I felt drained. Yunho Hyung left me for a while to call our dad.

My dad personally came together with Joohyun’s parents. He assured all of us that the doctors are doing the best that they can but that didn’t stop me from thinking of the worst. I sit in one corner, not talking to anyone and just staring at space. Yunho Hyung tried to persuade me to go home and rest but I declined. My mom brought me a change of clothes but that too was left on my lap. I didn’t want to leave before I am assured that Joohyun is going to be alright.

Hours later, the doctors came out of the operating room. In an instant, I was beside them together with Joohyun and my parents, asking them how she is. The doctor looked at us and slightly shook his head.

“The patient suffered a severe blunt force trauma to the head and chest. We successfully treated all of her rib fractures as well as the other parts of her that are damaged by the accident. The problem is the blunt force trauma to the head. It resulted in a severe brain injury. The bleeding in the brain resulted to forming blood clots blocking lots of her blood vessels,” the doctor explained.

“What will happen to her? Does she need another operation? Tell us,” Joohyun’s dad asked while he supported his wife who looks close to collapsing on the ground.

“She is in a coma and we are still observing her. Hopefully, she will respond to the treatments. We will do our best but we need to be honest with you. Her chance of survival is not that good. If she didn’t respond to the treatments in the next 24 hours, I am afraid that we will be left with no options. Everything depends now on your daughter’s will to survive. Let’s hope and pray,” the doctor said before leaving.

That’s when I allow myself to fall on the ground. ‘No, it can’t be. Joohyun will be fine. She will recover. She won’t leave me,’ I say repeatedly to myself. Joohyun’s mom is crying on her husband’s shoulder. My parents are both consoling them. Yunho hyung stood beside me. He lifted me and made me stand up.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2014 ⏰

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