chapter one| get out, get out, get out of my head

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"You losers are gonna love me, even more than you already do, when you hear what I did for you," Louis calls out as soon as he's through the door, and Harry nearly facepalms. He's starting to wish that they didn't just clearly walk in together because other customers are now peering in their direction.

Louis waves his hand dismissively at them though, saying, "Not you lot. I don't even know you. You." He points at the pair sat on the couch in their favorite cafe. "You as well." His finger aims at the laughing boy working the expresso machine.

They've just stepped into Café Rochele, a local coffee house not far from their university. Harry reckons they all think of it as their hang-out of sorts. It's the place he and his friends head to when they want to unwind after a long day of classes and work, where they can sit on their asses all evening, nursing a hot or cold drink as they take the piss out of each other and shirk. Matters not the situation, really, they always seem to find themselves there, much to the dismay of the barista, Kurt.

He sometimes likes to think of them as the Friends, the six of them. Harry with his quirks, Niall and his unconditional love for food, Liam with his perfectionist tendencies, Louis and his jokes, and of course, Zayn and Olivia. With each other. They're the it couple, the stars of the show. It all fits, unfortunately.

"What we did, Lou," Harry reminds him in a bored tone as they make their way over to the couch.

Louis swats disparagingly at the air at that, removes his scarf, and plops down onto Liam's lap. "I guess Harold contributed a bit too, but it was all my idea."

"Yeah? How do you fig- ooh. Niall, hey. Could you get me a vanilla tea, please?" Harry requests as the blonde moves past him, loaded tray in hand.

"Fuck off," Niall snorts, handing Olivia and Liam their drinks before he's off again. "You should have come earlier. Kurtis is at the counter. Go ask him."

"Right, how rude of me. It's not like you work here or anything."

Olivia chuckles as Harry falls into the seat next to her with a pout. "Here, you can have some of mine, love." She smiles warmly at him, and honestly that's why she's Harry's best friend. She's not evil like the others. "What did you and Louis do?"

"Before I answer that, any plans for New Years?" Louis looks around as each of their friends shakes their head.

"Not yet," Niall tells him, appearing once more to sit on the arm of the sofa even though he's really supposed to be getting back to work behind the counter now since he's already just filled all his orders.

Harry's not sure how he's managed to keep this job for so long, actually, with all the things he gets up to while working his shifts (sometimes with the help of Louis). He's also never seen or heard of his friend getting told off by his manager, coworkers or any customers in spite of that fact, but he figures Niall could just flash his sunshiny smile and make any situation all better.

"Brilliant," Louis exclaims with a bright smile.

"Why? What'd you do?" Liam asks, eying his boyfriend warily because nothing good ever comes from going along with one of Louis' ideas. Harry learned that the hard way when he'd taken Diana to the fair instead of to her 'lame dance recital that she didn't even want to go to anyway,' as quoted by Louis.

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