CRUSH | 01

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chapter one

CRUSH,chapter one

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— season 3 ep. 3 —

STACEY OVERHEARD TWO girls talking and looked over seeing it was her best friends. "Hey guys." Stac hooked her arms with the two and Manny and Emma smiled at her. "New wardrobe Stac?" Emma motioned towards her exposed stomach and low rise jeans. Stacey just shrugged. "My mission is to be hot, not cute, not adorable, hot." Manny unzipped her jacket exposing her new wardrobe.

As the girls walked into school Stacey smiled at the gawking Jt, "Hey guys? Is it just me or did Jt get kind of cute during the summer." Emma and Manny gave a smile to each other, "It's just you."

In science class Manny and Stacey sat and doodled notes to each other, most of Manny's doodles involved her teasing Stacey about her new liking on Jt. Stacey caught Jt staring at her and smiled at him, "What." He looked ashamed that he was caught, "Uh nothing." She played it off like it was nothing but Manny giggled knowing otherwise.

"And he was totally staring at her!" The girls all giggled as they walked through the mall, "Oh my god you like him." Stacey giggled and covered her face, "No! He's cute, totally cuter than last year." "But?" Manny asked. "He's still just Jt, my best friend since me and Sean moved here."

Manny's eyes went wide, "This, this is what I need." She held up a G-String thong. Stacey went to the other side and held up a pink one. "A thong?" Stacey asked looking at the one in her hand, "It's perfect," Manny smiled. "I think they shouldn't sell this," Emma held up a black studded G-String, "At the mall." The two girls payed for their underwear and giggled to each other.

The next day Stacey had picked out the perfect outfit, a pair of low rise jeans, her new pink thong, and a cute tube top. As she walked into the kitchen she heard Sean call her name, "Stacey, what the hell are you wearing." He went over to her and tried pulling her pants up, "Sean, knock it off. I look hot." Sean rolled his eyes and handed her his sweatshirt, "At least wear this until I don't have to look at you."

Stacey walked through the halls with a new found confidence, she quickly shedded her brother sweatshirt and strutted through the halls. Smiling and waving to all the cute boys giving her attention.

"Manny you look hot!" Stacey has caught up to her best friend, "So do you!"

"I mean this whole thing is just weird, I've known Stacey since 7th grade!" Jt walked with Toby through the halls, "Last year it was hot older women, this year it's hot younger ones. So what." Jt shrugged, "Like big deal, it's not like she's become a totally different pers-"

The two boys' eyes went wide and their mouths dropped as Stacey and Manny strutted through the halls with their underwear showing. Stacey smiled at Jt and Toby, the two boys' eyes followed them as they walked past them. Making Jt run into the door. Stacey got to class before Manny so she sat in front of Jt.

When he got to class she turned around, "Hey Jt." He smiled, "Hey Stac." Class quickly started and their conversation was over.

Stacey sat on the bench behind her friends as they held out flyers. "Are you just going to sit there or are you going to help." Manny turned around and held out flyers to her friend, Stacey groaned and stood up. "Hey." Manny smiled at all of the cute guys taking her flyers.

"Are you guys sure it isn't too much?" Stacey said self consciously, "No, you guys look great. You know I wouldn't lie to you. And apparently I'm not the only one who thinks so." Emma motioned towards Jt. "No, Jt doesn't think of me like that," Manny rolled her eyes, "Jt does, every guy does. Even before you changed your look." Stacey smiled at her friends.

"Just go talk to her," Toby said unenthusiastically. He shook his head.

"So what are you going to do when he asks you out." Stacey's eyes went wide, "Jt is not going to ask me out!" "When who asks Stacey out?" Liberty came over. "Jt!" Emma exclaimed. "Isn't it so cute!" She looked to the ground, "I didn't know you liked Jt," Stacey smiled, "I might."

Toby shoved Jt, "Go!" "Okay, okay." He mumbled.

"Stacey,- " "We got to go to a meeting so bye!" Emma dragged Manny and Liberty. Stacey scrunched up her nose and laughed, "Hi,"

"Lemme guess, I interrupted a conversation about endangered platypuses." Stacey smiled, "No, it was something a little bit more serious."
He giggled, "What's more important than a mammal who lays eggs," Stacey shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know, you tell me." Jt just stood there with a dorky smile on his face. The bell interrupted the two and Stacey sighed and waved goodbye to Jt.

Stacey stood by Emma and Ashley as Emma told everyone about the flyers, the thing is Stacey isn't even in this club, she could honestly care less, but she loves her friend.

She saw Jt and Toby sit down so she went over and stood next to Jt. They didn't say anything to eachother, just sat and listened to Emma talk.

"Look who's here to help," Emma said as Sean showed up, Stacey looked up and saw her brother, he sighed and unzipped his jacket, "Put this on, c'mon." Stacey groaned and walked over to her brother letting him put it on her. "You suck, you know that." He sighed but pinched her cheek, "you love me though."

Manny came over and started talking to the two girls. Something about the boy she was crushing on, Stacey wasn't paying much attention. When Stacey came back from helping her brother take down posters she heard Manny complaining about the principal.

The next day Stacey put on her usual sweats but this time with a tiny top. Emma and her walked to Manny's locker surprised to see her in a large sweatshirt. She took it off revealing her even tinier top, and a pair of low riders. Emma's eyes went wide, "Do you wanna get suspended!" She gave Emma a look, "What, I'm not breaking any rules." Stacey raised her eyebrows, "We should get to science."

"So frogs, they're amphibians. They live both on land and in water, and they find food in both realms. Insects, small fish, and even other frogs. So, who wants to feed our web-footed friends a little snack? Manny?," Ms. H smiled at Manny. "Uh, sure." She made her way to the front, and dropped something.

She bent over and her pants slowly started to fall. Stacey's eyes went wide and raced to the front, "Why does Manny get to feed the frogs!" Stacey smiled at Manny and they both fed the frogs together.

Stacey grabbed her books from her locker, "Uh, Stac?" Stacey closed her locker and smiled, "Hey Jt." He looked to the ground and lowered his voice, "Look, I was just wondering if maybe you were free tomorrow? If maybe we could go see a movie?" Stacey smiled and scrunched her nose, "Um, sure Jt." He looked up beaming, "For real? Um, okay. I'll see you later then." He turned around almost running into people. Stacey giggled and turned around seeing her friends smiling at her, "You're going out with Jt." They sang and hook arms. "If one of you tells Sean he'll kill Jt. So don't." The girls pinky promised Stacey.

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