Chapter Eight

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Satsuki Uchiha was brooding on the clinic's rooftop, her soft hair billowing in the breeze. She hated herself for not being at Naruto's beside, especially since he was there because he'd been willing to sacrifice himself for her. Sighing, she figured things were better this way. Sakura and Kakashi were keeping him company, and blonde was expected to make a full recovery. The rosette had mentioned that he'd asked for her several times, but Satsuki had ignored her leading comments.

Sakura had been right, as loathe as she was to admit it. If Satsuki allowed things to progress with Naruto, she'd only end up hurting him. While he was undoubtedly hurting from her distance now, it paled in comparison to the havoc that she could wreak later on. Naruto was already willing to die for her; she couldn't allow herself to be selfish and give in to her own feelings. After all, she was an Avenger. Gaining power to kill Itachi should be her only concern until her wayward brother was cold in the ground.

Satsuki cared about Naruto, certainly, but would she be willing to die for him? She wasn't so sure. She was steadily getting the feeling that he was more invested in the relationship than she was. He was a ray of sunshine on a stormy day, but he wasn't her Sun. It was a fine distinction that the Uchiha heiress was forcing herself to address. She'd give him her body, but did he need her heart as well?

"I thought I'd find you up here," Kakashi said behind her. "You shouldn't spend so much time alone."

Satsuki didn't move as the Jonin sat next to her. His silver hair caught the breeze and the pair sat in silence watching the sunrise. "Satsuki, I wanted to talk to you about the bridge, as well as what happened in the town market." Kakashi wasn't looking at her. "I should have done this sooner, but with everything going on... I thought you'd want some time alone." The Jonin eyed her as he continued. "I don't know what happened on the bridge between you and Haku. Naruto told me what he knew, but after he fell unconscious... well... you're the only one who knows."

That's a secret you'll have to live without, sensei,Satsuki thought. She could tell that Kakashi wasn't quite ready to accuse her of any wrongdoing, but she doubted that he'd be thrilled that she had burned Haku alive after he'd surrendered. She'd done the right thing by killing him, but she didn't think that her sensei would approve of her methods. "I thought he'd killed Naruto," she finally said evenly.

"I'm not reprimanding you. I know better than most how fast a battle can get out of hand." The Jonin ran a hand through his hair, obviously frustrated. "I'm concerned. You were very brutal against Gato's thugs. Unrestrained. It wasn't like you. I'm worried that you haven't forgiven yourself for Haku's death. After all, a close range fire Jutsu isn't a pretty first kill. It can't have been easy for you. I just... If you want to talk, I'm here. I'm sure Naruto would tell you the same, but apparently you two aren't speaking at the moment."

"What's between Naruto and I isn't any of your business," Satsuki snapped. How dare he intrude on her private affairs. Who did he think he was?

The Jonin glared at her coldly. "Yes, it is. Especially when the pair of you took advantage of my absence to grope each other. You are professionals on a mission. Act like it. What you do in the village is your own concern, but the moment you step outside those gates, you represent the village, the Hokage, and me. Others judge the entire village based on your actions. Making out in Tazuna's kitchen doesn't send a good impression. Such behavior will not be tolerated in the future. Do I make myself clear?"

"Hn," Satsuki grunted, withdrawing into herself again. Her brief emotional outburst was reigned in, though Kakashi eyed her carefully. The young kunoichi's recent actions had been deeply concerning. No, scratch that. Her reactions to her actions were concerning. After the battle on the bridge, Kakashi had checked his male student for signs of life. Finding a weak pulse, he'd rushed Naruto to the village's clinic. The doctors there had been surprisingly adequate, and the Jonin let them do their job.

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