Chapter 11

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Arthit immediately felt Kong's entire body stiffen as the weight of his arm continued pressing down around his waist. Their bodies flushed against each other, back to chest, as Arthit was softly nuzzling the edge of his nose to the shell of Kong's ear. Every tiny move Arthit made, just brought him closer to the crook of Kong's neck, pressing their torsos further together, the length of their legs slowly getting intimately tangled. It wasn't until Arthit had begun burying his face in Kong's luscious hair, his breath lightly tickling Kong's warm skin across his cheeks and ear, that he felt the brief shiver running down Kong's spine that the quiet of the night was finally broken. Arthit felt Kong take a deep breath before he rushed out a whisper.

"P' I think..."

"Ssshhhh....Just sleep for now."

Arthit simply tightened his arm to pull him closer, dropped a fleeting kiss on the tendrils on his hair, so lightly that Kong may have not even noticed, dropped his head on Kong's shoulder and closed his eyes. This would have to be good enough for Arthit. For now. He was sure he was leaving Kong as uncomfortable and confused as possible when his seemingly normal roommate suddenly began cuddling him up from absolutely nowhere. But being confused wasn't necessarily bad. Aleast Kong hadn't punched him bang in his face and ran for the hills. That must mean something, right? Hopefully if Kong was truly grossed out by being pressed against Arthit he would let it be known, and if not, Arthit fully intended on pushing the boundaries, both physically and emotionally.

Which basically meant Arthit kept his arm firmly wrapped around Kong the entire night, tightening it, even sometimes unconsciously every time he felt Kong shift slightly, or attempting to move away from him. It wasn't until the first rays of the rising sun started pouring in the room, and Arthit finally shifted onto his back to stretch his sleeping muscles awake, that Kong immediately shot up from the bed and practically ran to the other end of the room.

Arthit would have almost been hurt at how badly Kong wanted to get away from him if not for the adorably awkward expression on his face while he kept shuffling between his one good, one fractured leg, trying to pretend like he had just risen from a long, deep, most satisfying nap of the year.

"Oh good morning P'. Did you rest well? How is your head feeling? Does it still hurt? I should get started on breakfast. What do you want to eat? Soup? Eggs? Pancakes? Let's start with milk. Oh, wait I need to wash up first."

And after not letting Arthit respond to any of those statements he dashed into the bathroom and proceeded to lock himself in there for a good 20 minutes. Emerging with a bright red, blushing face, that no amount of scrubbing had managed to diminish his crimson flush.

Arthit rather preferred this half shy, half embarrassed version on Kong. In all these years of their waxing and waning interactions he had rarely seen Kong anything other than being covered with broad, shiny smiles. Well except for the tears when he noticed the wound on Arthit's head. Maybe even some days of just utter and complete exhaustion from running around constantly. But never this very human, very teenage expression had crossed his features. He always seemed so much in control no matter how chaotic his life became. Even when Arthit had first informed him about Nam staying over and Kong having to find alternate accommodation, ending up sleeping on some crappy college bench did he never break his stoic-yet-uncharacteristically happy demeanor. Arthit momentarily cringed at that memory before focusing back on the boy buzzing around the room, cleaning an already spotless apartment. Basically doing anything and everything to avoid meeting Arthit's eyes.

Hence it wasn't entirely surprising when Kong plopped multiple plates of food on the table and essentially high tailed out the apartment, incoherently mumbling something about a mountain of blankets. And soon as he heard the front door slam shut Arthit jumped into action. Convincing Kong into his super tiny bed two nights in a row was probably next to impossible, especially with the dozens of blankets he was sure to get. But that didn't mean they still couldn't sleep next to each other. Which essentially meant Arthit spent the better part of the morning undoing his stupid decision of getting rid of the double bed. In theory shoving the two single ones next to each other sounded pretty brilliant last night, in practice though, his multiple injuries made the task a lot more cumbersome. For the first time ever he regretted not buying the cheap crap. Atleast that would have been lighter to push. On the bright side though, there was no way Kong would be able to separate the beds now with his incapacitated limbs.

"What happened to the beds?"

"What do you mean? The look exactly the same to me."

"P' the beds were definitely not in this position when I left earlier."

"Oh, that!"

"Yeah, that. So what happened?"

"It just...moved. Accidentally."

"Your 100 pound bed just accidentally moved?"


"Just like that?"


"Perfectly next to mine?"

"Would you look at that? I hadn't even noticed."

Arthit smirked up at Kong while he opened and closed his mouth multiple times to address this blatant manipulation. Arthit obviously envisioned further snuggles for the upcoming night and was making it rather plain for Kong to see. If Kong had any objections now was definitely the time to voice them cause Arthit was barely getting started.

And if Kong had any doubts about Arthit's intentions they completely disappeared the second his head hit the pillow that night. Arthit less than a foot away from him. If he thought he could scoot all the way to the edge of the bed, maintaining the maximum distance between them as reasonably possible, that plan came to a screeching halt when Arthit whispered from behind him.


"Yes P'?"

"Can I hold you?"


"I feel better when you are close to me. It helps with my headache when I can feel you when I am trying to sleep."

Arthit was perfectly aware that he was stroking Kong's heightened emotions regarding his injury, but if this got Kong in his arms it was more than worth it. And so he waited patiently. His breath bated once again while Kong's stiff body laid still in front of his.

And after several quiet moments, surrounded by the darkness of the night, slowly, tentatively Kong turned around to face Arthit. Their eyes locked, halting this one moment like it could capture all of eternity.

Arthit watched him closely, steadily as Kong lifted his hand and softly trailed his fingers across Arthit's cheek. Barely touching his forehead that displayed a very pronounced scar. The tips of his fingers briefly flirting with the edge of Arthit's lips.

"Does it hurt too much?"

But before Kong could pull back his hand, Arthit grabbed it within his. Enclosing his fingers around Kong's wrist. Bringing it closer to his face. Pressing a soft kiss on the open palm.

"Never when you are with me."

The quiet whisper soon followed by Arthit closing the distance between them.

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