chapter 10

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I've been doing this book 2 years now my guys. Like I havent even began I'm so sorry y'all have probably gave up on me lmao I started this when I was like 14? I'm 16 now this isn't good RIP.
Palette's pov:

I am on my way home from the library. It is 8:45 PM which is when the library closes. I was just reading manga as well as some romantic novels. Now, I read quality romantic, not the 'bad boy gets good girl' shit or the Dawn series,
(Twilight series)
But good quality like some of the Persephone gets with Hedes series. Sometimes I imagine it as Goth and I, which isn't healthy for me since we won't ever be together. 

I looke at my phone. I usually don't leave so late because I know the dangers the night can bring you. But I love the night; beautiful creatures like owls or bats come out. People usually like butterflies where I like moths, I also love to watch the fat, fluffy raccoons come out. My favourite are the hedgehogs; I want to get a pet hedgehog. The night can bring beautiful things and if you focus on the scary things; you'll always be afraid. I've learned after being out more often, I can't just stay inside of my room and sulk all the time. My dad found happiness, it was time for me to search for what makes me happy.
Art definently makes me happy. So does writing, being around my friends, also Goth. God, I just couldn't get enough of Goth. I love reading and anime; I've found a lot of things that made me a happier..

Well, happier me. The Library isn't to far from home. Just 6 blocks; I should really get my license soon. So I don't have to keep walking along with asking for rides.
I'm walking down the less busier part of the city, considered the 'dangerous' part of town. I walk through here every day, time to time at night, nothing bad has ever happened to me. Now, I'm not the cliché 'it happened to them but it can't happen to me' person; but so far nothing has. Further more I hope nothing will happen to me. My life is going great. I'm a sophomore with my friends, I'm making strait A's, Goth is hanging out with me more, my friends are always there; my dad has some kind of event? He's not saying anything to me, Error, or the boys. But I'm also starting to get better at socializing. 

As I was saying, life is great. My phone rings. "Jesus, dad," I mumble as I answer. "Hello? Cil, why are you calling?" I ask. I stop walking and lean on the brick wall with my right shoulder. Cil says he was calling to see when I'm home so we can play super smash monsters together. "I'll be there in about 15 minuets. Sorry, I needed some book time. Later, bro."
I hang up after Cil says his goodbyes. I only thought it was my dad because before Error, he was up my ass all the time. Probably because I was his only priority, now he has other people to worry about. Or he trusts me, it's probably a mix of both.
After I start walking again, I hear more foot steps behind mine. "What the-"

I turn around. No one is there. I think to myself that it must be my footsteps echoing then turn back around to head home. I hear them again but shrug it off. "It's pretty late, so it could be my mind playing tricks on me, right?" I ask myself out loud. "Wrong," said a low, deep voice that came from behind. I instantly duck out as fast as I can. I can't run very fast but fast enough to get away. The anonymous voice catches up to me quickly, before I can turn to try to save my life they cover my mouth; their hand firmly gripped over my mouth. The anonymous is strong, so it's difficult for me to try and get out fo their grasp.

I did my best to fight back with kicking around since he has my arms behind my back, with his other hand over my mouth so my screams and cries could be muffled. They begin to drag me as fast as they can into a damaged, abandoned apartment building. When he gets me in, I see rope. Oh my God. I start thrashing around, screaming; fighting back the best I can with all my might. After a while of this, anonymous gets sick and tired of fighting me so they grab a broken piece of ceiling by them then hit my over the head with it. I fell to the ground, groaning in pain as I hold my head with tears running down my face. Everything is blurry, but when I look up to find who my captor is; he's very noticable, even through my blurred vision.

Goth's pov:

I walk into Palette's home. "Mr. Ink, Error, sir!" I call out with a smile on my face as I shut the door behind me. "Heya, kiddo," says Error. His focus is on the T.V show 'Hellen'. "Hellen is fun. Is PJ here?"
"He's with Cil playing SSM. Go on ahead," he tells me; motioning 'go away' with his hand. I go upstairs into PJ's room then sit on the bed. "Hey, Goth," Cil mumbles. He's kicking PJ's ass. "NO, YOU BITCH!" Blirts Paper Jam after Cil made the final move. Cil won the game. Cil was laughing.

PJ turns to look at me. "Cil is just to good!!" He exclaims, giving Cil a noogie on the head. Cil starts laughing as well as squirming around. "Stop it, bro!" Cil yells. He pushes his way out of PJ's grasp then goes back to the game to pick a new character. PJ put the controller down. "I quit. You wanna try, Goth?"
"No thanks, came to just chill." I watch the screen to see what character Cil picks, but he sighs then turns to me. "Goth, Pal said he would be home in 15 minutes. He said that an hour ago."
PJ looks at the time in worry. I frown. "It's 9 o'clock at night, Goth. Should we get Ink and Error?" Cil asks, the question directed at both me and PJ. After a pause, we all three race to the door downstairs to the adults. We're grown up, but we can't search for Palette on our own. As I get off the staircase; Palette walks in. Relief came over me as I rush to Palette. "Pal! You're okay. You worried me there for a second. Why are you late?" I put my hand on his shoulder.

Instantly Palette screams at me. "Don-don't fucking touch me!!" He pushes me off with the most strength I've felt in a while. Since I was caught off guard I fell back. Error and Ink jump up fast after Palette screamed. Error runs to me, checking the back of my skull to see if I'm injured from my fall. I just push him off. I get up. It is then when I realise that Palette is crying so hard he can't breath. He's trembling, his eyes are glowing, plus his Jack looks torn up. Palette doesn't wear ripped upper body clothing. It doesn't look self influenced tips either..
Ink goes to Palette, slowly but stops when he's in arm reach of Palette. "Son?... Son what's wrong?" He asks. I'm so shocked that Palette laid his hands on me, that I'm watching. Palette looks like he just saw something horrible, or something horrible just happened to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2019 ⏰

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