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Skylar grumbled as she stepped out from the grocery store, popsicle in hand. It was way too hot in Japan! The only reason Skylar had even come to Japan was to visit her childhood friend - Eisuke Ichinomiya who invited her to stay at his hotel here and explore Japan while she's at it.

She wholeheartedly agreed, thinking Eisuke was going to bring her around ; only to be disappointed when he blew her off the very next morning, claiming that he was tired and to go wander around herself.

"C'mon Eisuke, you know I rarely come to Japan! What if I get lost?"

"You have a phone Sky, and I don't believe your navigational skills are that bad considering who you are."

"Well what if I get abducted? Japan is a dangerous country you know."

"You? Abducted? Don't make me laugh. In fact, I pity the people who would even attempt that in the first place."

"W-well, I don't have much money on me so—"

"Take this credit card then, there's no limit so go ahead and buy whatever catches your eye" Eisuke muttered before whipping out a card from his breast pocket and handing it to her.

Skylar pouted at her childhood friend who gave a smirk in return. The both of them had a short staring contest before Skylar finally huffed and left.

She thanked the gods that her father had let her spend most of her childhood in Japan - otherwise, she wouldn't have even known how to speak with the people here and that would have been annoying.

She messed around with her phone while walking down the street, occasionally taking pictures here and there. It had been 7 years since the last time she was here. When she turned 15, her father and mother had decided to move to London and build the headquarters of the Silent Mamba.

She had been 17 when she made her first kill when their HQ was suddenly invaded by members of another mob who thought they were weaklings.

They got what they deserved.

Now, at the age of 22, her mother and father are trying to find a suitable suitor for her from another mob, in hopes of forming an alliance. Skylar has immediately turned them down yet they were adamant.

Hopefully, the 2 month vacation will be able to help her take her mind off things back home.

Just as she was about to turn the corner, a bunch of men wearing black suits ran past her, bumping into her while some others got knocked down.

"Hey! What's the big idea you —"


All of a sudden, people were screaming while running away from her. Her hand was just about to grab the gun hidden in her jacket when she felt an immense pain bloom in her side. She let out a choked scream as she collapsed, her hand pressing against her side as fresh blood dripped onto the sidewalk.

It was hard to breathe. In her line of work, she was bound to get shot one day, yet had avoided that fate for 7 years....until now. She wasn't even on a mission and this happened! Her father would kill her! 

She tried to calm her breathing as she felt herself slowly losing consciousness from the blood loss. Just before she passed out, she made eye contact with a man who had crouched down beside her.

A man with dark, blue eyes.

A man with dark, blue eyes

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