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Soryu's POV
"Pick up the pace Inui, they're getting away!"

"R-right away sir!" I heard Inui yell a few paces behind me as we zipped down the sidewalk, pursuing a few members of a mob who dared to betray the dragons - The Yakuza Swordsmen.

I grit my teeth hard as people crowded in the sidewalk, blocking our way. The men were getting further and further away from us, we couldn't let them escape! I didn't want to resort to this, but I've got no choice.

I slowly took out my gun, deciding to fire a warning shot to frighten the bystanders who would flee so that it would make it easier for us to pursue them. I was about to point my gun upwards towards the sky when someone knocked into me from behind and I accidentally fired whilst the gun was still pointing towards the crowd.

I watched in absolute horror as the bullet hit a woman with auburn brown hair. She looked around for awhile before collapsing on the ground, shaking whilst she kept her hand on the bullet wound.

"S-sir! I-I"m so sorry! I-I didn't mean to-!" Inui shouted frantically as we ran to the woman and crouched down beside her. She was breathing heavily as she tried to control herself of which I admired. Usually, when people get shot, they're already screaming like a banshee and panicking at this point.

I looked into her eyes, only to see a flicker of blue just before she lost consciousness completely. I told Samejima to fetch me bandages immediately as I placed both my hands on her wound while calling for Inui.

"Get the men to bring the car around. I'm going to stay here and pressurize her wound," I stated firmly as Inui rushed off along with my other men. We were going to have to speed to the hospital or she wouldn't make it.

The woman was beautiful, some might even call her cute with her small nose, full lips and long eyelashes. Her auburn brown hair was tied up in a ponytail. I moved her a bit onto my lap, wiping away the sweat on her forehead with my handkerchief when I noticed something sticking out from her back pocket.

I turned her around slightly to pull it out before widening my eyes at the familiar card - it was Eisuke's no-limit credit card. He only ever gave these out if it was someone close to him or if it was someone he really trusted ; even I never had the privilege to use it.

I turned my gaze back to her while pocketing the card.

Who on earth was this woman?

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