Chapter 6

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After about 3 hours of anxious waiting, the doctor came to see us.  

"Tom made it through surgery, and has been moved to room 413."  He informed us.  "He is stable right now, but due to the drugs we gave him, he's still asleep.  We expect him to wake up in a few hours, but you can go visit him if you'd like."

Tom's parents got up from their seats, but I stayed where I was.

"Are you coming Ryan?"

"No, I'll let you guys visit him first"

"Okay, we'll let you have some alone time when we're done"

"Thanks," I said, curling back up in the chair.  I closed my eyes, hoping to get some rest.  It had been a long day.

****1 1/2 Hours Later ****

"Ryan?"  Mr. Daley said, as I yawned and tiredly rubbed my eyes.

"What time is it?"  I asked yawning.

"1:30, Tom's not up yet but I figured you would want to spend time with him,"

"Ohh yeah, I do. Thanks," I said, getting up from my seat.  I walked down the long hallway until I reached room 413.  I took a deep breath before entering the room.  

Tom was laying there so still and lifeless under several wires, hooked up to noisy machines.  I went over to his bed and pulled up a chair, sitting next to him.  I grabbed his hand in mine and put my head on his chest.

I sat in that position for about 5 minutes, just listen to his heartbeat, our breaths synchronized.  I decided now would be a good time to tell him how I felt.

"Tom?" I whispered.  I felt his hand flinch and knew that must have been some sort of response.  Like when people are in comas, and they can hear what other people are saying, it was sorta of like that.

"I know that earlier I made it seemed like I didn't have feelings for you, but the truth is, I do.  We just can't be together.  We're rivals in competition, and if we got together it wouldn't be the same competitive edge between us.   And I don't wanna lose you as a friend.  But I've had feelings for you ever since I started diving 6 years ago.  You were cute, charming, funny, and a very talented diver.  I didn't even think you knew that I existed, but when you told me how you felt, I was shocked.  And embarassed.  I was embarassed to tell you how I felt, because I didn't know if you truly meant it.  But after know...kissed, I knew that you felt the same way.  I'm sorry Tom, I really am,"  I said, a single tear rolling down my face.

After I told him how I felt, I decided I need some rest.  I propped my legs up on the chair and rested my head on Tom's chest.  

- - - - - - - - -TOM'S P.O.V.- - - - - - - - -

It was around 8 in the morning now, and I was exhausted.  I didn't get much sleep last night, as I was woken when Ryan came in the room.  I had decided I wouldn't tell her that I heard what she said, and act like I didn't know how she felt.  But I heard it, all of it.

There was also a shooting pain in my left side, probably from where I got stabbed.  I had been a long night, ut I was looking forward to speaking to Ryan later today.  Right now she was still sleeping, and I didn't want to wake her.

I looked down at Ryan, who was resting on my chest, and brushed a piece of hair out of her face.  She was beautiful in her sleep.  Her face was so calm and peaceful, and she was so still.

I smiled to myself, remembering what she said last night.  It was so meaningful, and I knew we were meant to be together.  But then I remembered something she said.  "We can't be together" I had replayed that sentence a million times in my head, but I couldn't think of any logical reasons why we shouldn't be together.

I felt her move, and she stretched her arms out.  Good, she was finally awkwae, now we could talk.

"Good morning Ryan," I said with a smile on my face.  She whipped her head around, shocked.

"When did you wake up?!?!" She asked excitedly.

I laughed.  "About 2 hours ago."

"And I missed it?" She said suddenly frowning

"No you didn't you were right here next to me, and it was great to see you again," I said, flashing her a smile.

She blushed and turned her chair so she was facing me.  "So what have you been doing while I was sleeping?" 

"Watching you," I stopped, realizing how creepy that sounded.

"Well that's a little stalkerish," She laughed, giving me a wink.

"Well there wasn't much else I could do, you were lying on me, remember." I said, innocently throwing my hands up in the air.

"Ohh, right..." She blushed and ducked her head, trying to prevent me from seeing it.  

"I know, I have that effect," I said, clamping my hand over my mouth, not knowing I had said that out loud.

"What?" Ryan asked.

"Erm nothing," I said, this time it was my turn to blush.  We both laughed.  Suddenly, our eyes locked, I leaned towards her as she leaned towards me.  Our lips were almost touching, but she pulled away.

Author's Note- 

Sorry it's a bad ending! I'll try to post another chapter this morning, I hope you're enjoying, comments are loved ♡ Thanks for reading :)


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