Chapter 11

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      {Elena's POV}

    I am sitting on the couch bullshiting with Heath, Zane, and Brandon. Until I hear David yell. " We should put some music on to dance! " I can't dance so that is a no for me.

    Most of us yell 'ya!!!' Not me though. I decide to go to the kitchen and get a little something while everyone is dancing.  I walk in and I see Matt is in the kitchen. 

  " Hey king what's up? " I say as I go to the fridge for a Monster. He looked at me and gestured for me to grab him one.

  " Why are you not dancing? " He asked taking the Monster from my hand.  I took a sip from mine. 

  " I can't dance,  like I am the worst dancer on the planet. " I said to him and he smiled at me.  "What? " I said looking at him.

  " Next song we are dancing" He said.  I got wide eyed and shook my head no.  I can't dance,  I look like a chicken without a head. 

   " Oh ya we are.  Hey I can't dance either that's why I'm in here,  so we are doing it.  Together. " He then grabbed my hand and pulled me to the living room.

   At first a fast song was playing but it quickly stopped. We all looked over and Zane was changing the song. He played a slow song and put a thumbs up to me.

  I rolled my eyes and looked at Matt.  " We don't have to do a slow one if you don't want." He said and looked at me.  I smiled and put my arms around his neck.

  " Why not. " I said and he put his hands on my waist.  We started to slow dance.  This isn't that hard,  but dancing to a fast song is different.

  " See you don't seem to be having trouble with this. " He said smiling at me.  I looked up at his icy blue eyes and smiled.

   "This is jujust moving your body back and forth this isn't dancing.  Now if we were dancing to the song that was on before Zane changed it,  I would be a mess. " I laughed a little bit and he looked at me and moved a price of hair from my face.

  " Perfect timing and I can't do the one thing I want to do, " He looked sad and then looked down to the floor. I feel so bad,  but those are the rules.  I can't kiss him or any of them. 

   "I'm sorry Matt,  I'll go. " And before he could say anything I went to my room. I don't know if it was a good or bad choice but I need to be alone right now.

  I went to my room and sat on my bed.  What am I doing,  playing with all these guys emotions. I really like one but am I not hurting all the others too.

   I hear a knock on my door, "come in I say ". It's Scotty.  He comes in and closes the door and sits next to me on the bed.

   " Hey you ok?  I saw you run to your roomaand wanted ton know if you were ok." He said and pit his hand on mine.

  I looked up at him. " Ya Scotty I'm fine,  just needed a little space from everyone. " I said and he looked like he wanted to kiss me,  but didn't.

  "Perfect timing gone to waist. " He said. This made me upset again just like with Matt.  But I didn't feel sorry for him like I did Matt.

  "Please leave " I said and he looked shocked.  He then slowly nodded and walked out. What the hell am I doing.

  After a half an hour I come back out. It's almost 12 we have only an hour left. I am hungry so I go to the kitchen to get some food.

  I see it's completely empty except Matt at the table.  Everyone was talking and laughing in the living room. 

  I feel bad I just left Matt maybe I should talk to him.  I walk over to the table and sit down next to him.  He looks at me and gives a weak smile,  one I could tell he was pushing. 

  "I'm sorry I just left you Matt, that wasn't right. " I say and put my hand over his.

   He looks at my hand and puts his other one on top and rude my hand.  "It's ok Elena,  I shouldn't have said that.  I probably made you uncomfortable. "

    I looked at him and giggled. "What?" He said looking confused.  "Nothing. Matt, you didn't make me uncomfortable. Trust me. " I said back.

    " I still shouldn't have said it was perfect timing to kiss you.  I know we aren't allowed,  and I wasn't thinking when I said it. " He said with those amazing crystal blue eyes. I smiled at him and got up from the chair.

  " I'm getting some food and then we are going to join the others. " I said,  then grabbed a small plate and put a few cookies and chocolates on it. 

  I hip bumped his side and he looked at me and smiled. "Fine if you say so ". We walked in the other room I sat between David and Scotty and Matt sat on the floor in front of me. 

   " Guys watch this", I said  and everyone looked.  I pulled Matt's head back so it was on my lap looking at me. "Open your mouth". I directed him and he did as told.

   I took a chocolate off my plate and raised my hand as far as it could reach and tried to even my hand with his mouth. 

  I dropped the chocolate and it fell right into his mouth and everyone cheered.  It's was stupid and we all knew that but who cares.

  I saw David film it so maybe it will be in the vlog.  " Omg me have 1 minute until midnight." Zane said and everyone got up. 

    " What should we do? " Brandon asked.  And Jason ststarted lining them up facing the tv. 

  " Elena is going to stand behind who she chooses and at 12 turn around to see if she picked you. 

  Wow Jason really had this whole thing figured out.  It was 10 seconds till 12 and everyone was counting down.  I run behind him and finally they all say... ' 3... 2..... 1 happy new year!'

  Everyone turns around and he faces me.  That amazing face that I have dreamed about and thought about so much.  Those icy blue eyes blond hair and little glasses that I love. 

  "You pick me? " Matt said and I smiled and shook my head yes.  I put my arms around his neck and he put his around my waist and we shared and ama kiss.  One with passion and one that has released the tension we have both been feeling for each other. 

  " I mean if you'll take me? " I said and he picked me up and rapped my legs around his waist.  "Nothing would make me happier. " He said and we kissed again.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2019 ⏰

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