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"Its a girl, what would you like to name her" The ecstatic doctor said holding up my precious bundle of joy. I looked to my side, only to find it empty. A rush of coldness hit me only to be warmed by the heat of my baby. "Darcy May Joy" I smiled giving the precious creature a kiss. It amazes me how this tiny human was made by me. She was my little girl. The only thing blocking my happiness was him. While he was living his dream, I was a teen mother. Darcy will never be a mistake. Mistakes are something that should never happen. If anything Darcy was a gift.

That day was 3 years ago today. My baby girls third birthday. Time flys by, she can walk and respond to questions. It was like a year ago when her first words were Mama, at they came out sounding like mafa, but I took it. She is gorgeous her golden brown curls and piercing green eyes. Just like Her father. Her smile was huge; one of my favorite things about her. Her cheeks are chubby as if she stuffed her cheeks with marshmallows . Every now and then I give them a squeeze and admire how soft they are. I admire her, my pride and Joy. After he left Darcy was the only thing I had left.

My thumb skimmed over the picture of me holding her in the hospital. That was the best day of my life. The joy in my eyes was evident, only to be seen with a mix of sadness. Darcy's cheeks were tinted as her soft cries filled the hospital room. My face covered in sweat as I eased out a smile. My small hand wrapped with hers looking big in comparison . Sometimes I feel bad for her father. He is missing out on the joys of having a baby girl. Her childhood going by so fast only to be missed,Her first words and first steps. What makes it hard is, he doesn't even know she exists. She is my little secret, And I love her so much.

I flipped over to the next photo to see me and him. We were young and we were sitting in a tree together smiling so bright. That was fun day, we had made a bet who could make it to the top of the tree first. He would had won, but he stopped and let me get to the top first. Our mother insisted on taking a picture. His arm wrapped around my shoulders in a comforting way, He was looking at me as I was looking at the camera. His dimples were popping out as I was oblivious . He looked at me with so much love; But that was then. Our feet hung off the branch as the sun set in the back. I haden't noticed I was crying until a tear hit the photo.

"Mommy" A sweet little voice called from the other room. My moment of sadness was swept away by my Baby. I set the photo on the desk side table and got up. A small grin was put on my face as I went into her room. I loved her room, decorating it while I had a baby bump was the best part. Gemma helped me. Her room was a light purple color with butterflies all over the walls. Darcy was sitting in her bed wiping the sleep out of her eyes.

"Happy birthday baby girl" I whispered giving her a kiss on the cheek. She looked at me and smiled, then it disappeared. "Why is mommy sad" She frowned as her little thumb wiping the wet tears from my cheek; so caring.

"Mommy is fine Baby she was just remembering some things" I softly said with a smile. Darcy just hugged me and smiled. "Well Mommy should not be sad, mommy nice" Darcy frowned. I let out a laugh while stroking her cheek, "You make Mommy happy." Darcy's smile grew as she stood up.

"You hungry Baby girl" I spoke following her actions while standing up. "Yes Mommy" She said sleepily. I picked her up and gave her a big sloppy kiss. She laughed and wiped her cheek off, "Slimy" She let out a loud groan. I let out a laugh and tickled her stomach. "Does baby not like mommy's kisses" I teased, bouncing her on my hip. "They slimy" She squinted looking towards the kitchen. I laughed once again and set her on the height chair.

Darcy never seizes to make me happy. I went into the cabinets and grabbed cheerios. I poured them into a tiny bowl and sat them in front of her. She grabbed them with her tiny fingers and stuffed her chubby cheeks. I had made myself an fried egg, and was poking at it with my fork not quite hungry. "Is aunty Gemma coming here" Darcy said with her mouth full.

"Yes Baby she is" I smiled while setting my plate in the sink. "Im done" Darcy shouted throwing her hands in the air. I walked over to her and picked her up.

"Does Darcy want to open her gift" I smiled pulling out the pink bags. "Yes yes" She cheered smiling. I heard the front door open and close.

"Wait for aunt Gemma" a loud voice that I had come familiar  with shouted while walking into the living room. "Gemma" Darcy screamed as she ran up to her and hugged her legs. Gemma picked her up and put her on her hip. "You're getting big" Gemma cooed poking her belly. She giggled and then tapped Gemmas arm motioning her to let her down. "Hey Gem glad you could make it" I smiled pulling out a chair for her. " I couldn't miss her third birthday, time flies by so fast" She said with a slight frown.

"Tell me about it, Here are your presents Darcy" I said focusing on Darcy while handing her the bags. The first one she opened was a barbie, "Ooh a dolly" She cheered ripping open the box. She held the barbie and smiled. The next gift was princess dress because she loves princesses. "I love it mommy" She smiled. Now was Gemma gift, she had always went all out. She always made my gifts look crappy in comparison. In all honesty I look forward to see what she had prepared for this year.

"Well mommy needs a vacation, and you love your princesses. So me you mommy and grandma Anne, are going to Disney world" Gemma cheered pulling out some tickets. My eyes had popped wide open as well as my jaw, "Gemma no, its too much" I tried to protest. "Silence, you and Darcy deserve it we are leaving tonight" She smiled. "Tonight twanks auntie Gem I love you" Darcy said giving Gemma a huge hug. Gemma smiled and stood up. "I'm going to let you two pack" She smiled walking out the door. "I will get you back" I said pointing at her.

"Be ready by 5" She smiled walking out the door.

"Are we gowing on a trip." Darcy softly said trying to hold in her excitement.

"Yes we are baby" I said picking her up. I went into her room and packe her little princes suitcase up. Her pink dresses and shorts and shirts are in there. I packed shoes her swim suit and some headbands. I grabbed her pink sunglasses and put them in my purse. I packed my bag full of some dresses and shorts and shirt. Shampoo and sunblock were in a seperate bag. My makeup and hairbrush was being stuffed into a tiny bag.

"Whats Disney mama" Darcy curiously asked while sitting on my bed. Her hands were propping her body up as her head cocked to the side. She was without a doubt the cutest baby I had ever seen.

"Well Darcy Disney is a place full of magic and princesses. There is all sorts of candy and fun. Its a place for kids like you."

"It sounds amazing" She spoke while picking at the bottom of her dress. I nodded my head as I began to continue to pack

I packed some money my passpot and a bag full of princess movies, for Darcy. I hated packing because I felt I was always missing something. Darcy changed into a pair of her pink sweatpants and a white tee shirt. I wore jeans and a sweater. It was around 5 when we finished. "Is Darcy excited" I smiled grabbing her hands.

"Very' She said giving me a hug. Gemma sent a text saying she was here..

Guess this is it. Me and Darcy's first vacation.


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