Chapter 3

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The person walks past me. The person is dressed in black. They walk over to the only cell in the room. I move behind a chair. The person looks around, grabbing the keys off the wall. They start to unlock the cell. I quietly walk up to the person. Just before they open the cell, I hold my sword up their neck. Their body goes rigid.

"Who are you?" I grumble. The person's hood falls off. My eyes widen. I freeze, dropping my sword. My magic starts to act up as I back up.

"Hello Princess, I am Lord Aiden of Luxembourg."

"Greetings, but aren't you a little young to be a lord?"

"Why yes, yes I am, 18 to be exact."


"A-aiden?" I ask. He looks down at me, sympathy written across his face.

"That was a name I used long ago. Where did you hear that?" He asks. My skin starts to fade to gray, my eyes turning purple. A small horn pops out of my head.

"Y-you died.. I held your body in my arms... Who the fuck are you?!" I yell. He chuckles.

"My name is A. Who are you?" He asks. I stand up, pinning him to the wall. I grab him and throw him into the cell. I pull a chair up, sitting in front of the cell.

"Why are you here?"


"Why were you trying to open the cell?"


"How old are you?"


"When's your birthdate?"

"May, 18."

"Do you have magic?"


"How did you get in here?"

"I was let in."

"What are you here for?"



"Princess Destruction." He mutters. I blink, crossing my legs. I sigh, standing up.

"Where did you get the information that she was here?"

"A source said that she was going by Shadow nowadays. Rumors are Shadow is here. Though, they say Shadow is a male."

I stand up, walking away.

"What can I call you?" He asks. I sigh, turning around.

"Call me D." I answer.

I walk off.


I sharpen my sword, eyes furrowed in concentration. I sigh, dropping my sword. I run my hands through my hair, taking a deep breath.

I pick my sword back up, sheathing it. I stand, hand on my hilt. I shake my head, walking out of the building. I walk into the small shelter, fustrated. I start pacing.

Aphmau stops me.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

"Nothing." I answer. She looks at me unconvinced. I shake my head, pacing again.

Suddenly, a feel a very dark power approach. My body tenses. I quickly draw my sword, sniffing the air. Suddenly, I am tackled to the ground.

The mystery man in the red mask tackled me to the ground. I quickly teleport out from under him. I blink. Keith is at my side, waiting patiently.

I brace myself, the dark power approaching the gate. I quickly teleport to the top of the small wall. My eyes widen, I quickly turn around.

"EVERYONE, GET TO COVER! NOW!" I yell. Everyone starts quickly entering their houses. I take a deep breath.


I jump down from the wall. Keith is at my side. I hold my sword out to my side. I can see Zane smirk from under his mask. I growl, my ears flattening against his head. Keith is exactly as I am.

"Oh, my princess!~" He calls. I narrow my eyes. My horns sprout, my skin turns gray, and my eyes turn purple.

"What do you want?" I ask. He laughs.

"You." He answers. I glare at him.

"Like I'd go anywhere with you." I spit. He laughs.

"Oh, darling. You make it sound like you have a choice." He threatens. A smirk creeps onto my face. I lift my head, showing my wide smirk. His eyes furrow in fustration.

"Keith: Attack." I order. I hear a growl escape his muzzle. He runs at the soilders. He makes quick work of them, tearing their bodies to smithereens. My smirk grows wider.

"W-what? H-how?" Zane mumbles. I laugh. I pull back my shirt showing the medium sized mark on my neck. His eyes widen in shock.

"Everyone, attack with all you've got!" Zane yells. I smirk. I quickly teleport, appearing behind Zane. I scare his horse off. Keith finishes off the last solider and walks slowly up to Zane, growling.

Next thing I know, Zane is gone. And so is Keith. I black out.

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