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Ariana's pov:

We arrive at the brooks house and a much hotter guy that I assume to be beaus brother he has brown hair really skinny and has brown eyes

I was thrown from my thoughts when beau introduced me to him

"This is my brother jai" he said "this is Ariana, Ariana, jai, jai, Ariana "

"Umm..nice to meet you" I said bushing wow did they both have to be hot. We entered the house and there mom was cooking what looked like spaghetti bolognaise that's my fave "this is my other brother luke Jai's twin" he said pointing to the one on the phone "luke get off your phone cunt" he yelled at him and he came to see what was going on "hi,I'm Ariana" I said "hey,I'm luke"

Jai came over to me and we talk alittle while and invited me to eat dinner with them wow I've only been here for like five minutes and I already know there whole life story "so where'd you move from" jai asked while we sat at the dinner table eating "new york, I miss it there"I said kind of nervous "oh, I love New York I've always wanted to go there"he said excitedly "well maybe I'll take you next time I go back to see my mom" "yeah,that'll be fun"he said eagerly "yeah" wow he's so sweet I really like him I wonder if he likes me back


"I should really get going my dad will worry if I don't" I said

"Can I walk you out?" Asked jai


"Can I ask you something?" He asked

"Yeah. what's up?"I said

"Umm...well...lets see how do I put this...umm...can....i...have...your... Number so....we can get to know each other....?"he asked nervously we've only known each other for one night but I know him like I've known him my whole life "yes" I said grabbing his phone to put my number in "Really? Well that was easer than I thought it would be" he said adding a light chuckle

"Yeah" I chuckled


I arrive at home and went straight to my room to call my mom and tell her what has happend in only a week I moved last Thursday and started school this Wednesday because I wanted to unpack everything before I started school

On the phone with mom


"Hey mom"

"Hey sweety how are things with our father"

"There great I met this really cool guy to day and went to his house and met his family and he has two younger brothers that are twins there names are luke and jai brooks and jai asked me for my number before I came home tonight I can't wait to talk to him again"

"I'm so happy for you when do you wanna come to my house and visted all your old friends"

"Soon can jai come to"

"Yes I can get him a ticket"

"Yay okay well I need to go I gotta get ready for school tomorrow I love you see you soon"

"Okay honey I love you too and I can't wait"

She hung up

I get a shower and turn on some music and get dressed for bed and then I went down stairs to say good night to my dad when I didn't see him in his room or any where in the house I tired to call him but no answer so I sat in the loving room and waited for him to come in and he never did


I woke up the next day to find my dad drunk and in the kitchen "DAD! Where were you last night I waited up for you for hours and are you drunk?" I yelled "yes what's it matter to you anyway" he slurred

"It matters to me because your my dad and I care about you I don't want you out getting drunk and coming home at almost 4:30in the morning! Why are you even drunk what happend and don't give some stupid story that only mom would believe"I said alittle more calm this time "it's your mother she called me last night to tell me that she what's you to move back with her in New York and I can't lose you not again" he said half sober now

"Dad I'm not leaving but I'm going to visit for a week me and this guy I meet at my new friend beaus house last night and moms Getting us tickets and if you can go that would make it even better"I said "I'll try"he said"okay well I better get ready I don't wanna be late for school" okay have a good day" "I will"


During mr.harris' long speech about the lab we were about to do he put us in partners me and some kid named stiles, jai and a girl named Lydia, beau and some guy guy named Scott, Luke and a girl named Allison

As we did the experiment we changed partners and at the end mr.harris stopped us "if you did the experiment right you should have come up with a crystal This part I'm sure you'll like you can eat it"

The two guys I had as my first two partners stiles and Scott looked at the thing they had made and it didn't look like a crystal at all so they just put it backing the into the beaker my last partner was jai of course and we did make a crystal and we shared it it tasted like blue raspberry I don't know how we got that flavor but we did after we left mr.harris' class we went to lunch to my surprise we all had lunch together me jai beau stiles Scott Allison Luke and Lydia who didn't speak to me much but seemed cool After lunch it was time to go home but me jai luke Scott and stiles stayed at school I wasn't sure why but then stiles and Scott started

Explaining all of this to me. "This may seem alittle out there but there's alot that you don't know about Australia like the supernatural being there are such things as were wolfs vampires I'm not so sure but werewolf are definitely real if you don't believe me believe Scott he's a werewolf but everything we tell you today has to stay between us and no one else because if this gets out then the hunters will come for us and you" stiles explains "but why me why would they be after me?" "Because your what they call a healer you can heal people just by the touch of a hand or by a kiss to the lips. And I'm not saying you can heal broken hearts I mean you can heal cuts and wounds that can be life threatening and you can heal them but it may hurt you in the process so be careful with your abilities"said Scott "okay,well I guess this is kinda cool" "yeah"said Scott "are you going home or are you coming over today?" Said jai "Umm,I kinda need to go home because my dads in a bad spot right now so I need to go home but ill call you later. If that's okay" "yeah that's fine I'll see you around,bye. Oh wait are you gonna be at school tomorrow?"said jai "yeah,why?" I asked "I wanna walk you to class tomorrow if that okay with you" "yeah okay see you then" "okay bye"

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