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20th Century

AZALEA HOGWARTS CURRENTLY SAT WITHIN ONE OF THE MOST BORING LESSONS OF HER ENTIRE LIFE. Which was saying something considering her parents were teachers and her life had just been one long lesson. Umbridge paced at the front of the class beside a chalkboard whilst everyone sat in complete silence. 

"You will copy the approved text four times" she stated, leaving no room for disagreement and Azalea felt like rolling her eyes but then thought better of it. "For maximum retention" Azalea shot Hermione a glance before they both began to write the text out onto the parchment before them. "There will be no need to talk" she stated as she paced, her heels clicking against the wood. A lot had happened in the last few days, such as  Angela gaining permission to reform the Quidditch team, Dobby the house elf returning Hedwig to Harry, Harry getting a flash vision of Voldemort becoming frustrated and Professor Trelawney being dismissed, Azalea remembered the peculiar moment well. 

A few days previously

Azalea stood outside in the courtyard as voice flooded in around her, she had been one of the first to arrive and heard Harry approach beside her. The female practically rolled her eyes as she heard him ask to Cho Chang "Cho, what's going on?"

"It's professor Trelawney" 

Everyone hurried ever closer to find the women in question stood sobbing and saddened in front of a smiling Umbridge, dressed as usual in pink and pretending to be pleasant whilst everyone saw straight through her. Filch was walking forward and practically throwing her luggage down at her feet beside her as she sobbed and stuttered. 

"Sixteen years I have lived and taught here" she began to plead to the remorseless eyes of Umbridge.  "Hogwarts is my home" Azalea felt a sting in her heart as the women said that because she felt the exact same way about the building that had changed so much. "You can't do this" 

"Actually I can" Umbridge smirked and held up a piece of parchment, Azalea felt like throwing the paper back in the women's face, Azalea was the daughter of Hogwarts yet had no right to choose who remained there. The women cried and stuttered and McGonagall ran forward, pulling her back toward the crowd where Azalea stood. The divination turned to her with her wide eyes somehow widening. 

"You! you'll let me stay? I can stay?" she begged to Azalea and looked at her head of house who nodded, indicating Trelawney knew who she was and had a reason to her begging.

"I am happy for you to stay" Azaleas eyes softened and Trelawney hugged her furiously which startled the girl who merely tapped her softly on the back, people around them looked on curiously with slight frowns, not recognizing the girl. 

"Something you'd like to say dear?" Dolores questioned Minerva who glared at her.

"Oh there are several things I'd like to say" Azalea placed her hand on the women's arm with wide warning eyes, they needed the women to stay at Hogwarts so she had to be incredibly careful with her words. Suddenly the doors opened loudly and they all turned to see Dumbledore emerge looking absolutely furious and radiating power. Umbridge stepped back slightly. He stomped forward.

"Professor McGonagall, might I ask you to escort Sybil back inside. " As the women did as instructed, Sybil thanked with teary eyes and took the headmasters hand lightly in thanks on her way.

"Dumbledore" the high pitched toad began and Albus shot Azalea a glance, the girl having been stood slightly behind the pink adorned women "May I remind you, that under the terms of educational decree number twenty three as enacted by the minister-" Dumbledore cut her off.

"You have the right to dismiss my teachers" he started and people stared at him in shock before he continued "You do not however have the authority to banish them from the grounds, that power remains with the headmaster" he stated calmly. 

"For now" Umbridge returned with a smirk. Dumbledore turned instantly. 

"Azalea, come" he said rather quietly though the girl heard and made her way toward him, walking beside him back to the building "Don't you all have studying to do?" he called to the others and they scrambled. 

The pair made their way in and up the stairs to the office, hearing Harry call for the professor, Azalea shot a glance at the old man who did not say a word as they continued on.  


"No need to think is more like it" Hermione stated and Azalea nearly laughed but held it in, she was surprised that the pink lady did not tell her off for that. 

"Wands away" she stated to Neville who was flicking his wrist in an attempt to do the Expalliarmus charm under the desk and at no one in particular. He was just practising. Azalea sent him a soft reassuring smile which he returned. Tonight there was another DA meeting and they were going to be doing stunning. Azalea was excited, although she wasn't allowed to reveal her full extent of power, she knew she was allowed to show off slightly in DA. 

She was excited.

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