Lightning struck

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This is a book I've been working on...

Nicolas stood alone in the empty hideout, as I entered. "Nicolas? What are you'd still doing here? I thought we were were all going to go home because of the storm brewing?" I asked, as I hear thunder. "I...just needed some time to think. How about you, did you forget something?" He pondered aloud. "Yeah my phone...are you sure your ok?" I asked, walking toward him. He nodded and smiled. The smile was fake, I could tell between real and fake. I looked into his bright blue eyes which popped because of his brown hair. "Does...does this have something to do with the bullying?" I ask hesitantly, resting my hand on his sympathetically. He doesn't respond but nods slightly. "Its just getting worse and worse...." He whispers. "Well have you-yes I've tried ignoring them Kira! I've tried everything!" He interrupts me. Nicolas goes silent, letting out a stressful and pained sigh. There is no sound next to the sound of light rain drops. I grip his hand, looking into his eyes. He looks up at me and smiles weakly. "I know it's hard...but I believe in you, that you can get through it." I tell him. I'm not sure what he is thinking, but his smile drops, and his eyes are quickly hardening. His hand slips from mind. "No, you don't know! You don't know how hard it is! You have never gone through this! You live a life of smiles, rainbows and sunshine! So, you don't have the right to say you know it's hard, because you don't! So why don't you just stop being to positive and just shut up!" He shouts. His eyes are cold. I take a step back. Thunder boom, as it starts to pour. I can't find air for my lungs. My heart is shaking. Tears are leaking into my eyes, making my vision blurry. I feel like a ten thousand bullets have hit me in the chest. No, more like someone just swung a hammer with all there might, and its force landed on me. His shouting echoes inside me. All I can do is turn and run. As rain hits me I let my tears fall, hidden and blending in the rain washing over me. "KIRA!" Nicolas yells after me. I can barely hear his voice over the thunder booming. I run as fast as I can from the hideout. From him. I see something flash before my eyes. I feel a chill and a blasting heat go through my body at the same time. My head it flung back. I hear a screaming? Is that me? I collapse, seeing only black....

I awake to see a bright light slowly dimming. Where am I? As my vision clears I realize I'm in a hospital room. I look at the heart monitor and watch my unnormal heartbeat. Why was it doing that? I sit up. When I try to bring me legs to the side of the bed, so I can sit on the edge, I cannot. I can't move my legs. My heart and breathing picks up. I take a hold of my legs swinging them over the side of the bed. I grasp the side of the mattress. My bare feet touch the cold floor. I push myself up taking a step forward. I crash forward, catching myself on the end of a small table, shoving it a little. A glass vase on it falls and shatters. The wires connected to my arms break off. I hear an alarm. Nurses rush into the room toward me. I push myself back to the wall, glancing around franticly. What was going on? "Someone page the doctor!" One of the nurses instructed. "Paging Doctor Vance to room the 215, state!" I hear another nurse say as she quickly walks out of the room. The other two nurses start toward me. "Hey Kira, were going to help you back to the bed, ok?" One says softly to me. The reach to me, one of the nurse's hands rests on my arm. "D-don't touch me!" I stutter, frightened. A weird circle beam of someone climbs my arm and snaps and sparks off me toward the nurses. They jump back letting out a fearful yelp. I stare at my hands. I hyperventilate. "what is happening?" I shout. " you remember what happened?" A nurse aske. I think back. What happened last? Before this? It hurt to think, but I did so anyway. I get pieces in my mind of Nicolas yelling at me, I remember there was a storm, I saw a flash. Then it started to slowly sink in, the possibility of what happened. "D-did I get struck by lightning?" I asked. The nurses nodded. The doctor suddenly enters with the 3rd nurse, my mother, and father. Tears swarm my eyes, as I choke down another sob in my throat. I will not cry. I will not. I will not. I breath in out slowly, trying to steady myself. "KIRA! Sweet heart! Oh my gosh, are you alright?" My mother franticly asks me, rushing toward me. She reaches out to rest her hands on mine but the doctor cuts in- "I would advise no contact for now; your daughter seems to be electrified. She has energy rings that keep echoing off her, from the lighting." He explains. Two nurses put on special gloves, and slowly help me back onto the bed. As I get reconnect to the chords and wires I stare at my parents. My mother is staring at me, a fragile smile on her face, and she plays with her hands. My father talks to the doctor intensively. "The doctor leaves with my father, a nurse follows. "Can she her friends? Do you want to see your friends? There here, waiting in the lobby." My mother says, looking from me to the nurse. "Yes...they may...but they will have to keep their distance for safety." One of the nurses explains. "Would you like me to get them for you Kira?" The 2nd nurse asks. I nod. My two best friends enter minutes later. "K!" Kate exclaims rushing to the side with Quin. My mother and the nurses leave. "Kate! Quin! I am so happy to see you both!" I proclaim. I feel better now that they are here. I hide my wince as I look at Quin, she is the brother of Nicolas, she has the same blue eyes, and thinking of Nicolas right now hurts. "How are you, I mean, you're not doing good clearly are you?" She speaks quickly. I laugh, smiling. Smiling feels good. "I'm pretty good for a person who got struck by lightning...but truthfully...the electrical rings...are scaring me to death...I'm not really sure what's going on." I sigh. Kate smiles, but I can tell in her eyes that she is hiding something. I raise my eyebrow at her then at Quin. "What?" I ask. "T-they wanted us to tell you something..." Quin whispers. I look at my friends, as they look sadly at me. "Kira......they said you wont ever be able to walk again." Quin says, staring at the floor. I feel my heart drop. What? I-I wont ever be able to...walk? Ever Again? Never? Tears swarm my eyes again. This time I let them fall. I put my hands over my eyes, as I lean forward resting into my knees. Electrical rings wash over my repeating over and over. After moments of silently crying, I lay on my side. I close my eyes, trying to search for a yawn. But I don't really feel tired. "Look at this!" Kate fake laughs, trying to distract me from everything. She shows me a picture of a cute little puppy in a taco costume. Quin pulls a basket next to her bag, up and puts it at the end of my bed. "Some gifts, from me, Kate, and everyone from the band!" Quin tells me, smiling. I reach forward and pull the basket up. I take out a small poster first. It says in bold neon green "GET WELL SOON KIRA!" Part of its covered in glitter, and it has stickers, and names signed everywhere. I smiled as I read each name of the band. Jenny. Venessa. Benjamin. Parker. Kate. Quin. Nicolas. I hid my pained reaction as my eyes went over Nicolas's name. My two favorite candy bars were in the basket. Hershey's bar. King size. Starburst. Full size. YUM. There was also a fresh Carmel Frappuccino. I grasp it and sip the sweetness. I see Kate and Quin grin large. My favorite movie series, The DIVERGENT series is also in there. There is a TV in front of me, that allows a disc to be put inside. I smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2019 ⏰

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