Chapter 1

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It started out as a normal mission. It really was nothing more than taking out a few guards in an old Hydra base that had been on Shield's radar for a few weeks. It really only should have taken Bucky an hour. He was in touch with Natasha back at the compound who was relaying him information as he made his way through the base.

The halls were dark, damp, and quite as Bucky silently walked them with a knife at the ready in his right hand. A sudden movement from the corner of Bucky's left eye caught his attention and caused him to grip his knife a little tighter. He turned just in time to see a man about 6'2 and 195 pounds pulling a knife out of his pocket and jogging down a corridor towards Bucky.

"Give me a second Romanov, I got company." Bucky sighed turning towards the man.

Bucky reached for the gun on his left side but stopped as the man was throwing a punch. The punch caught the Bucky on his left jaw. Shaking his head a little Bucky pulled out his knife blocking the next punch the man threw at him with his left forearm and jabbing at the man's shoulder with the knife. Inhibit ability, kill only if necessary. Potential information from this man.

Bucky rotated and shifted forward throwing a punch with his left arm that clipped the man in the temple on the right side of his face. The collision with the metal arm drew blood that was slowly beginning to drip right below the man's eye. The man went to throw another punch that Bucky dodged by ducking slightly allowing him to drive a knife into the man's lower right thigh. The man yelped in pain as Bucky pulled the knife out wiping it on the side of the man's pants as he fell to the ground. Bucky picked up the man with his left arm and pinned him to the wall removing the man's weapons from his person.

"Where is project 15704 taking place." Bucky demanded holding the man by the collar of his tac gear.

"I ain't gotta tell you shit. You're nothing but a failed experiment. Tell S.H.I.E.L.D. and your boyfriend to suck my—"

Bucky tighten his grip on the man shifting his hand from the man's collar to his neck applying more pressure squeezing where is trachea was. "Why don't you try again." Bucky spoke venom dripping from his voice.

"I said no."

Bucky's grip around the man tightened as he watched the man begin to struggle and gasp slightly from the lack of oxygen. He had all the time to wait him out, and if he died at least he got to see another Nazi die. Fifteen seconds later the man gave in. " Hallway... take it...all the way down a-and take a left at c-corridor F, second right from here. Lab is all the way down." The man staggered as he was gasping for air.

Bucky turned around putting his knife back before drawing his gun and putting a bullet in the man's foot. Bucky walked down the the halway following the man's directions keeping his gun up as he walked cautious of any more surprise guards. Bucky reached the end of the corridor and found a lab. He inspected the lab from outside a window on the door careful to examine all possible exits and look for any personal within the lab. He found three doors, the one he was currently standing at, one on the south side of the lab between to tanks of green liquids and one on the west side of the lab that was on the second level.

Bucky punched the hinges of the door breaking them to obtain entrance into the lab. He walked in and plugged the flash drive Natasha had given him and dragging in all the files while surveying the room for any hidden guards, snipers, or scientists. Bucky was finishing downloading the last file onto the hard drive when he heard multiple sets of heavy footsteps coming towards the lab. Pulling his gun out Bucky faced the door that he came in waiting for the fight to come to him.

Out of the corner of his eye he could see the monitor glowing DOWNLOAD 96% COMPLETE...

Before he could think anything else about the hard drive or the files on it Bucky heard gunshots ring out. Bucky raised his gun scanning the room to see where the shots were coming from.

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