Golden Boy Has a Smudge

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Don't own and character. If try to steal my advice to you, is HIDE YOUR BALLS IS A SPACESHIP AND FLY IT TO MARS. Because I will track you down and cut them of. But I don't bite. RAWR!

Edwards POV

"Bella, we're leaving." I say stiffly. I am just not feeling any loving emotion towards her. Oh well.

"Ok, I hoped to have more time, but it's fine, I'll tell Charlie something and-" She looks at me carefully.

"When you say 'we?'" She ask, her voice cracking. Insolent human.

"My family and I." I say back.

"Don't worry we won't come back. It'll be like we never existed." I say, smiling coldly. I run back to the mouse, hearing her cry out, 'Edward!' Over and over.

"We gotta leave!" I say. Alice walks in with the rest, fuming. I'm in trouble.

"No. You do." She says. Carlisle....looks like a vampire. I've never seen him so wild, furious.

"Golden boy got a smudge!" Emmet growls at me.

"Your not a Cullen. Your Edward Anthony Mason. Goodbye and good riddance. We will never leave one of our coven for another." He hisses out.

"Hand over the crest." Esme says. I can't believe this. I take of my ring and throw it in Carlisle's face.

"You will regret this." I hiss at them. I run out. My family, my coven. For a mere human! How dare they! She is not powerful, or beautiful, or anything at all! She is plain, boring. And she will find out what it means to be in the vampire world.

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