Chapter One || Accidents

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Oh how did it come down to this? Saiki just wanted to get home as quickly as possible to get away from everyone yet somehow here he was, getting threatened by the most harmless girl in his class. If it was any other day, he would have avoided crossing paths with her. If it was any other day, he would have just teleported away from her then erased her memories.

Now, let's rewind back to thirty minutes ago where you, dear reader, has just gotten out of school. You were exhausted and all you wanted to do was relax. As you passed the gates, you heard Kaidou shouting your name. You knew that he probably wanted to hang out since school has ended, and although he was a good friend of yours, you honestly didn't want to spend another hour with him. You were done socialising with other people for the day.

Pretending not to hear his yells, you plugged in your earphones and fast-walked away from the place. A sense of guilt washed over you but, it wasn't enough to get you to turn back and happily accept Kaidou's offer.

Music blasted through your ears whilst you mentally made a note of all the things you had to do once you got home. I really need to finish that science project since it's due tomorrow but, everyone's talking about this new show on netflix and I really want to watch it to see what all the hype is about. Ugh, why didn't I start that project sooner...

Distracted by your thoughts, you were completely unaware of the speeding car that was heading towards you. Out of all odds, you just had to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.

The car was only a few seconds from crashing into you, and by chance, you whipped your head up in time to notice what was about to happen. In a state of panic, all rational thinking left your head. Your mind was blank and all you could do was stare at the car with outstretched hands to somehow 'block' the car from running you over. You squeezed your eyes shut, frightened of what was going to happen.

You heard the loud honking noise of the car. You heard the screeching of tires. You heard the sound of sudden collision. Yet, you felt nothing.

With a racing heart, you cautiously opened your eyes. Just a few centimetres away from you was the car with the front part of it badly damaged. The driver must have been in shock at what he had just witnessed as he stared at you in horror before fainting on his seat.

Confused, you stared at your arms that were still held in front of you. Did I just do that?

Eyes wide open, you clenched your fist before punching the air with a huge grin on your face. Omg what just happened? Did I really just- what... huh? I think I have superpowers. I'm magic!

You started spinning around in circles, full of excitement and energy from the revelation. Well, that was until you noticed a boy from your class watching you with his usual stoic expression. That boy being Saiki.

You stopped in your tracks feeling embarrassed that he caught you dancing weirdly in public. That was until you realised what had just occurred a few minutes ago and you were sure that he witnessed it all.

A surge of anxiety filled your body, not knowing how to even begin explaining what had previously occurred. Taking careful steps towards him, you stood in front of him, and amidst all of the mixed emotions going through you, you glared at him threateningly before saying, "Tell anyone about this and I'll crush you like that car."

You didn't know why you said that out loud nor where the sudden burst of confidence came from. Maybe it was just from the heat of the moment but now you can only feel regret from what you said. You couldn't tell what was going through Saiki's head as he just continued to stare at you blankly. Though, you were certain that he was judging you in his mind.

It was strange. You're only realising it now but, this was the very first time you've ever spoken to him. You were sure that he's in the same class as you but, he's so quiet that you sometimes forget that he's even there. The only time you've really noticed him was when he's around Nendo and Kaidou. And even though Kaidou and you were quite close friends and he would mention sometimes mention Saiki in some of your conversations, you've never really had the opportunity to at least make small talk with Saiki.

"S-sorry! I didn't mean what I said, I just said it without thinking. I hope I didn't scare you," you frantically apologised whilst bowing your head a few times. "But please, please, please don't tell anyone what happened!"

Saiki didn't say anything, he just stared at you. He wasn't sure of what to think. Any sane person would have freaked out over that accident and they would probably be a bit traumatised, however, there was you who was prancing around excitedly with your 'newly given powers' and suddenly threatening him if he was to tell someone. Good grief, what have I done? I shouldn't have gotten involved. Now she thinks she has powers after I saved her. What an idiot...

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Author's Note:

Hello dear readers! This is my very first fanfiction on this account. I've written some in the past but I wanted to start over and make a new account. I've been into The Disasterous Life of Saiki lately as I've just finished watching both seasons. Maybe if I have time I'll read the manga too! Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this first chapter, please let me know what you thought.


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