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"So, Jungkook... right?" I said sitting comfortably on bed.

"Yep..." He replied, leaning against the wall.

"How are we cousins?" I asked him.

"Well, your mother and my mother are sisters so that's how we're cousins." He answered, suddenly grandpa called him.

"I should go first... I'll be back." He says, plastering a smile on his face then steps out the room... damn, he looks gorgeous but NO MALICE, WE'RE COUSINS... NO WONDER I'M BEAUTIFUL, kidding.

Jeon Jungkook's POV:

"Yes, grandpa?" I walked towards grandpa while he prepare a cup of coffee for himself.

"Protect her.... protect her with all costs.." He mumbles directly with no hesitation.

"Minhae?" He looks at me.

"Of course her... there's no other girl here than her." He chuckled a bit.

"You may go now." He added, I bowed down to him before I left and went to Minhae's room, or should I say our room.

"Hey, Minhae." I greeted.

"Oh, you're back." She says, smiling softly. That kind of made my heart flutter.... a bit, but no... She is my cousin so it's impossible for me to develop feelings for this girl.

"Where are you going to sleep?" She questions as I points out the bed that was beside her bed.

"Oh, I see." She nods, in agreement. I lied down my bed feeling my eyes starting to fall asleep then I blacked out.

Kang Minhae's POV:

"Jungkook oppa?" I called him out, no one answers.

I stood up and tried to take a look of him falling asleep, I went in front of his sleeping face and moved his falling hair aside. His hair was very soft and brown.

"How can he be this handsome?" I muttered to myself... no! WAIT!

"WAIT! you're my cousin I can't fall for you!" I whispered but it sounded so loud. good thing, he was still asleep. I went back to my bed and buried my face on a pillow, praying that he didn't heard what I said and besides, we just met for like a couple of hours ago.

I heard loud yawn inside this room, it's no other than... Jungkook.

"God, he's awake." I silently said in my mind. I heard a sound of standing up, as I also heard a groan.

"What's he doing?" I asked myself, thinking of something that was--- UGH, STOP THINKING ABOUT SOMETHING LIKE THAT MINHAE, YOU BYUNTAE.

"Minhae-ah." He calls, I started to fake sleep.

"Must've been tired." I heard him says as he exited the room. I put out the pillow on top of me and good fucking gracious he went back to the room.

"I knew you weren't sleeping." He laughed off.

"You thought I would believe that you were sleeping." He continued to laugh off, I looked at him bitterly and tried to give him a 'you're-happy-just-because-of-that' look.

Yeah, he could be so handsome and at the same time so pathetically annoying... gr, this brat thinks that it's great joking to me... well, we'll see about that Mr. Jungkook!

"You done now?" me looking at him annoyingly.

"Wait...." He answers then stops for a second then laughs again, he laughed so maniacally.

"You're so annoying!" I said then covered my whole body with a blanket as he left the room still laughing.

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