Act 2

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Screaming, assault, tears. Bruises and cuts. This was my normal cycle of an everyday life. I wouldn't get used to it, I don't think anyone would get used to this. My parents would constantly yell at each other, hurt each other, if they loved each other so much, why did they do this? I asked myself this question over and over again. It hurt me so much to watch them like this, but they hurt me too so I didn't think it mattered. I went to school just like a normal girl would, but my grades were below average. Everyone would tell me to pull up my act but how could I? They don't know who I was, they didn't know what happened in my life. I was a lonely girl who dreamed the impossible as she pleases.

There's so much going on in that noisy head of hers.

I'd scratch all around my head repetitively, confused. But I told myself. 'No problem' so many times but weren't those words lost? Or did these words even exist? They had no meaning whenever i spoke them, they were just words that was supposed to fill the void i felt all over. But they didn't. Those words failed once again. I failed once again. There was just noting I could do. But everyday there was a time of day where I was allowed to go outside for a while, and that was after school. But there was a place I'd go to, juts to make me feel better; an abandoned park.

As I headed to the destination everyday, I'd have to conquer a hill to get across but each time I ran down, I'd end up rolling down the hill. But that was the only thing I got used to.

Are you okay now? My conscious would ask me

But my heart had spoken the truth. Not yet. The future is still nowhere in sight.

And until then, I will hold my breath. Soon enough, I gained the title 'Rolling girl' and everyone bullied me because of it. And today, the colours of the world is unreachable and whenever I try to get my mind off things, all I can focus on are the voices. They all taunt me to the point where they get mixed up together

No problem I mutter to myself, although they have no meaning anymore. At this point, I don't care what happens. Even the hill provoke me to make mistakes so what does it matter. So i'll just keep on rolling until something happens.

Are you alright? But this time, it wasn't my mind. I looked up to see a woman in green hair, wearing a short white summer dress.

I muttered the words that failed me. I thought maybe she might go away. Instead, she asked for my name. I told her without thinking. She smiled. Then she let out her hand.

My thoughts, my wishes, who understands them? Who was this girl.

This girl was my savior, she took me away from the pain and into an abandoned house. Or so I thought, until I went inside of it and realized she lived in this house. People had always said not to judge a book by its cover, I now knew what they ment. She cut her hair short, I'm sure it was so know one would find out she saved me. Although to be honest, she looked nicer with short hair so i was more than happy that she cut it. I was glad she took me away, but I didn't show it right away. It took me time. She gave me ribbons to keep my hair out of my way, so I took care of them. The girl taught me about a whole lot of things; Happiness, a warm bowl of soup, things mom and dad didn't teach me. She even told me her name; Megumi. But even so, sometimes I'd feel uneasy. When that happened, she would cast her kind 'magic' on me. And just like she did then, as many times as it took. I was happy and I'm sure she was too. This was just how it was for a good amount of months. But there was no reason the magic was to last forever. The world wouldn't overlook lies and deceptions. And within a moment, her hands were tied together, yet she looked as calm as ever.

And when she stepped out of the dorr, I noticed, she's never coming back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2019 ⏰

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