Harry's secret heartache (Fleur/Harry)

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Harry has had a life full of emotional turmoil. Since a very young age, he had to face death, face fear, face hatred and he had most definitely had to face evil in the form of Lord Voldemort. But never, in his 17 years of life had he, Harry, faced something as disturbing and painful as he felt today. It was a feeling so bitter that he could literally taste it in his mouth and his face crumpled with distaste. It was a pain in his chest that wouldn’t go away and it made him feel so empty, so full of sadness that he had to go out and check a lot of times whether there were any dementors around. But no matter how much it irked him he could not name this weird unknown feeling, ‘cause never in his whole life had he, Harry Potter, the Boy who lived, faced jealousy and heartbreak of this severe kind.

It was Bill and Fleurs wedding day and The Burrow was in complete chaos. Mr.Weasley and Charlie were trying to help set up the wedding dais, Mrs.Weasley was trying to prepare some last minute delicious dishes and keep a sharp eye on Tonks who seemed to trip and fall a lot more than she usually did. The twins, Ron, Hermione and Ginny were all busy dressing up and getting ready to welcome the guests while he, Harry, disguised as Barny Weasley, found it a perfect excuse to keep to himself and sulk in a corner as he tried to get a glimpse of Fleur now and then. His friends thought his bad mood was because he was nervous about their journey to find the Horcruxes, which was good because he couldn’t explain himself to them otherwise.Because there were some things that you couldn’t share with anyone, and falling in love with your bestfriends soon to be sister-in-law was definitely one of them. Yet, every time he saw Fleur wave or smile at him, he died a little inside and desperately wished he could tell it to someone so he could feel a little less guilty.

Harry had been in love with Fleur ever since his fourth year at Hogwarts, he had met her during the Triwizard Tournament. She was without a doubt the most heartbreakingly beautiful girl he had ever laid his eyes on and later he found out that she wasn’t just beautiful to look at but also a beautiful person at heart. From her long silky silver hair to her thin waist and long legs, everything about her gave him a strange swooning sensation at the pit of his stomach. He cursed himself for not having asked her out at the Yule Ball even though he had spent hours in front of the mirror trying to look his best and rehearsed his conversation with her a million times in his head. He just couldn’t pick up the courage to talk to her and eventually when he did, she was already asked out by Roger Davies. He wished he had asked her address so he could write to her over the summer but a budding romance was not what he could deal with while he had witnessed Voldemort’s return and Cedric’s death. So with all the ups and downs of his already complicated life, he had never had the chance to give his feelings for her a second thought. And then last year, Ginny happened. He was genuinely in love with her, she was the most understanding and strong person he had ever come across. Harry knew that if he ever survived the final showdown with Voldemort, which he knew was bound to happen sooner or later, he would definitely marry Ginny because she was the only one who could keep him sane and he knew she would wait for him till the very end.

But right now, watching Fleur walking down the aisle dressed as an angel, Harry felt his heart twitch with pain. He knew there was a corner of his heart that only belonged to Fleur and no one else could ever replace her. He watched sadly as she made her way towards Bill, who looked like the happiest man alive. The priest read the Bible while Bill and Fleur held each others hand and said I Do. But in his mind, Harry imagined himself standing there kissing Fleur with his arms around her thin waist, he imagined himself as a normal boy with a happy normal life who had nothing to worry about other than how to spend his first night with a beautiful wife.Right this moment, Harry could have given anything, anything at all to be in Bills place, a tear trickled down his face and for a few seconds he let his guard down, he was afraid of what lay ahead, he was afraid of what he and his friends may encounter on their final journey ahead, he was afraid…to face death so soon. There was so much more to life and right now, he wished he didn’t have to be the Chosen One.

But right at that moment there was a deafening sound and people in dark hoods started to apparate left and right, there were people screaming and running around trying to escape and then a lynx shaped patrnous appeared and put an end to all of Harry’s wild imaginations, the patronus brought back Harry to the harsh reality that you can’t always have what you want, destiny always has other plans for you. He felt Hermione pull him by his hand but before that he heard the patronus speak in Kingsley’s voice

“The Ministry has Fallen. They are coming”

Harry's secret heartache (Fleur/Harry)Where stories live. Discover now