5 - Struggle of the Hunt

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We gathered up our supplies and headed back out. I made sure to put a few antidotes in my bag like Cal had said. He grabbed a few more coatings for his arrows. Malcom didn't need to grab anything. He didn't use the same items we did. He had a few tools, but they never seemed to run out.

The air was warm and blowing when we set back out after a short rest. With our gear restocked and our wounds mostly healed, it was time to jump back into the hunt. The paint ball smell was still in the breeze, making tracking the Rathian easy. Passing through a narrow passage, we came up on a small pond area. A large green figure stood hunched over the water, drinking and swinging a large barbed tail.

"I have a Flash Bomb. I can stun it if we get it to face me. Malcom, you're up. Ria, get to the side and wait for it to be stunned."

I started to scoot around the forest walls surrounding the area. Malcom walked up to the Rathian, standing patiently behind her. I got behind a tree and drew my blade, ready to attack. Malcom smiled and threw a rock at her leg. It bounced uselessly of the tough hide, but it got her attention. The large wyvern turned to face him, growling.

Malcom ducked down as I faced the other way. Cal pulled back and threw the Flash Bomb. It went off in midair in an explosion of light so intense that it blinded the Rathian. She roared and staggered back, trying to focus on anything. I saw my chance and rushed in, swinging for the long tail. The cuts I'd made earlier were still there, so I started in the same place, hoping to remove the spikes appendage.

Only I missed. The Rathian flew up into the air, knocking me back with the wind pressure created by the pair of massive wings. She landed shortly after, still dazed. Malcom rushed in and swiped at her legs, trying to knocked her over. The Rathian swung wildly, spinning and attacking with her heavy tail. No one was within range. Cal and I were too far back while Malcom sat beneath her, too close to hit.

Finally she shook off the blindness, back and ready to fight. Her turned to face me, but I was ready for her. I pulled my Long Sword out and moved into a spirit combo. I pulled one quick slash after another, cutting through parts of her head. Blood splattered on the grass as she recoiled in pain, but I finished with a wide ark, boosting my weapons spirit power. It glowed white as I put it away, finished with my combo.

"Nicely done, Ria! Keep that up and we'll be finished in no time!"

I turned back to face the Rathian, happy to be praised by another hunter. However, my heart sank as I saw flames boiling over the monsters mouth. She roared loudly, shaking the ground. She was enraged, understandably after the hefty amount of damage I just threw on her face. I barely had time to react to the next attack. She moved quickly, breathing three fire balls in quick succession. The first two exploded on the ground beside me. I was trapped, unable to escape from the final shot. I covered my face, bracing myself for the hit.


The attack never hit. I felt the heat blow across me, but the fireball didn't reach me. It was blocked. I opened my eyes and sat Malcom in the ground beside me, limb. Smoke rose from his body as Cal raced up, putting his bow away.

"Malcom! Damn it!"

The Rathian wasn't done attacking. I rushed and picked Malcom up, holding him close. He was hurt badly and barely breathing. Parts of his fur and armor were burnt off. I turned to get us both out of there, not realizing how quickly she was moving now. She ran up to me, flinging her head back and spinning up into the air. My eyes went wide as I was thrown forward. Her tail smashed against my back. I could feel the barbs poke through the folds in my armor, digging into my skin. It started to feel hot and cold at the same time. My vision grew blurry as I struggled to stand.

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