Chapter 6 dark shadow

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I looked out on the other side of the door no one was there. I looked to my right and saw it was Mist. I jumped in fear. Then I realized Mist was one of my friends when I got here. He has the power to make his hole body to turn into a shadow to move around fast. if he wanted to. Usually he just go's human form and walk's around. And no he's not a werewolf. I made that part up in my book. I've met almost everyone including Crystal. We met when she was put here. She is covered in Crystal. And it's more like diamonds. She doesn't melt. Her power is to make crystallized spears. To protect herself. I punched Mist in the chest.

" DON'T DO THAT MAN. You almost gave me a heart attack." I said angrily. Mist chuckled.

" Oh come on man I'm just having fun." He said letting out Crystal. Turning his hand into a shadow and unlocking the gate.

" Mist did you do this." Crystal asked as she came out of her cage.

" No I got hungry so I unlocked my cage to git something to eat and they were all dead." said Mist.

" Mist whos dead?." Asked Crystal.

" The people who take care of us." Said Mist as if it was a dumb question to ask.

" So did you find food I'm starving?." I asked looking at Mist.

" There might be food in the cafeteria." Said Mist.

" Grate let's go git something to eat." I said walking forward leading the group to the cafeteria. When we got there. No people where on sight. It was pitch black. All the light we had was the red light. We went to the desk that always has food. But no food. I looked around the food was still in the fridge. It was like they just up and vanished. I flue up on the counter and landid. Making a stomping sound. I jumped down on the other side. I opened the fridge. A cold breeze escaped out as I opened it. The fridge was still on. Keeping everything cold.

" It's still on." I said behind me.

" What?. how is there power if there's no lights." Said Crystal.

" Can't you just cook the food please. I'm starving." Said Mist with a moan.

" Ok jese." I said grabbing 3 hot dogs and putting them in the microwave for 2 min. I pulled them out when it beeped and gave one to Crystal then Mist. Then one for me. I ate mine in one beight. After we were done eating. I closed the fridge and microwave. And thru my stick away in the trach.

" Do you know where headquarters is?." I asked Mist.

" I know where the map is. If that's what you're asking." Said Mist.

" So that's a no." I asked.

" Yes, but the map might know where everything is." Said Mist jokingly.

" Ok where's the map then?." I asked walking out of the cafeteria. Then stopping looking at Mist. Cristal and Mist.

" Why do you want to know where headquarters are we can just git...Oh." Said Mist releasing what I was thinking.

" I'll let you figure that one out. Where's the map?." I said looking at Mist.

" Ugh its by my cell. Come on." Said Mist leading the way. Me and Crystal followed

" Whate if it's by your cell don't you know where headquarters are?." I asked.

" If you have forgotten i'm part human I forgot." Said Mist a little annoyed.

" You're right you're right i'm sorry." I said.

" It's ok i'm just a little angry. If they ditched us I might flip a table or punch a hole in a wall." said Mist. he sounded so cheerful when he said that.

" Just remember what they did to us." I said.

" Haven't forgotten." Said Mist. When we got to his locker right past it. There was a hole wall was covered in a map. Framed it had to be at least 30 feet long. I felt my jaw drop.

" HOW BIG IS THIS PLACE." I yelled. Mist ran to me and put his finger on my lips. And said.

" Shhh. Keep your voice down. We don't know what happened to the people that took care of us whent. But I have the feeling that something might." just before Mist could finish. We herd stomping. And it was big to. Everytime it stomped it made us jump. I grabbed the map and rolled it and held on tight to it.

" Go into Mists room now." I whispered loud enough for them to hear but not the monster that was coming are way. They rushed into Mists cage and I closed the door. The stomping got longer it was green I'll tell you that much. We layed low. Until it was gone.

" Is it gone?." said Crystal.

" Probably." I said.

" Mist can you git us out of here?." I asked.

" Shore thing." said Mist. Going over to the door. While he was unlocking the door. I put the map on the floor and I took a look. The place had a lot of cages. And rooms.

" It looks like the control center is on the top floor." I said.

" Ahh that means we have to walk up 140 flights of stairs." Said Mist unlocking the door and opening it slightly.

" Well there's 503 all together." I said picking the map and looking at it closely to my face. Then looking at Mist.

" I didn't ask to be smarted out." said Mist. Looking at me. I shrugged.

" Don't you think the elevator works." said Mist looking outside. The doors.

" Haven't you seen those movies when the power goes out there's no elevator." said Crystal almost knocking him upside the head.

" Guy's there's no need to fight lets. Just git going so we dont die here." I said looking at the both of them rolling up the map and folding it in half so it's easier to put in my pockit. I put it in my pockit and pushed the door open. I looked down on the floor. There was green slime. I want to touch it and Crystal stopped me. By grabbing my shoulder. The fire sprinklers. Turned on without no siren. And the green slime started melting the floor. Before we knew it the slime was gone but there was a giant hole where the slime was. It was like little droplets. Then the sprinklers turned off.

" Note to self don't touch the green slime." I said blocking Mist and Crystal.

" let's git going." I said. Walking around the hole and started walking towards the stares. Crystal and Mist behind me in a line. The door for the staircase was 40 flights of stairs know because there was a sine that said there was. The door to the stairs was broken off its hinges. I had to step on the door to git to the stairs. I touched it with my foot and put whate on it.

" Who could do this." I said picking up my foot off the door. And putting it back behind me.

" I don't know but lets keep going. I don't want to meet the monsters friends." Said Mist pushing us to go forward. He pushed us to the stairs. And I woke up. 

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