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Alpha Zalome POV :
After the announcement, Malik did of us being engaged everyone seems happy about it except me. First I don't know why he proposed to me or if there's a reason behind all of this. Everything seems off about it but only with time, I will know the truth about all of this.  Is been a couple of days since our engagement and he has been partying since then . He doesn't come home until late night and I really don't pay much attention to this type of behavior. But since he is doing whatever he wants I'm doing whatever I want as well . I call the boys and we decided to hang out. Is been a while since the last time we're all together. We decided to get together for a couple of drinks.  As I make my way to my car ...

I see Malik making his way in with some random chick

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I see Malik making his way in with some random chick.... I don't say anything or do anything for is his choice to do .  I just drove off and it might hurt seeing him with different girls but is nothing new .
I see Zalome making her way out the house and I know she saw me with this girl. Since our engagement I haven't been home as much I been partying and doing all this things that an engaged men shouldn't be doing.  Is been a couple of hours and is almost midnight and she's still not home . I had someone follow her so I know who she is with and I don't like it not even one bit . Is now 3am and she's still not home ... as I'm making my way to the kitchen I can hear her car outside.  I can smell the alcohol all around her as she makes her way in she stops once she saw me .  Where were you princess " why you asking if you already know huh " don't be smart now . " then don't act like you care " I do care I care for you .  Is not safe for you to be out all night  ...  she ignores me and keeps making her way to her room . But I stop her before she can close her door " don't touch me you smell like her and if you say you care for me you will have her gone my tomorrow morning before I even wake up."  Is not what you think Zalome "I'm not thinking anything honey " she closes her door in front of my face . I go back to my room and I get a text message from her " That B**** couldn't take my place even if I gave it to her  sweet dreams."

With love 🧡

Alpha ZalomeWhere stories live. Discover now