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Yuri PoV

I was walking in the red carpet with my white long gown together with my Bello that fall to my face as I hold the bequet of flower I was holding my brothers arm tear falling from my eyes as I saw those people looking at me with a wide smile

The piano that fits perfectly as I walk with flowers that is in my way until I reach the man.

I reach the man I loved walking towards me

"Heyy cutey pie.." He smiled as we walk there infront of the priest

"Together we are here to witness the wedding of this two couple together to the power of god given to me to bless their love to be endless" the Priest started

"Do you Park jimin take min yuri as your lawfull wife to god be witness in bounty and poor to sickness and health to wealth and sacrifice to happiness and sorrow "

Jimin glance at me and smile before he answer "I do" he said

"Do you min yuri take park jimin as your lawfull husband to god be witness in bounty and poor to sickness and health to wealth and sacrifice to happiness and sorrow"

I didn't think twice to answer

"I do" I said

"Now you may exchange your vows"

"Yuri, min yuri or park yuri thank-you cause you came to my life you know that I don't have direction before you came before miss cutey pie came" he chuckle " yes I am the biggest Playboy remember the thing in basketball you know back then I really don't care about girls and shits but then you came like a sun to bright me up until I was thinking why am I going crazy cause of you until I figure out shit I'm inlove so from today I will be a good husband to you and a good father to our future kids" he smile tears keep falling to my face so was he

"Park jimin, I know that your the biggest play boy but I'm just a nerd that love books but miracle really happens it started when you keep those bitches away in the liblary I don't know but I keep smiling while your protecting me amd you know what I LOVE YOU no matter who you are no matter how many girls you fuck back then" I said all of them is Shook but not our closest friends and also the Priest face is priceless

"A-ahhm... C-can I have the rings" the priest sttuter

"Okey jimin reapeat after me"

"I'm park jimin take min yuri as my lawfull wife witness by every one I will protect and love my wife and future children together with gods guide and will be a good man to my family" jimin reapeat as he put the ring to my finger

"Yuri reapeat after me"

"I your name"

"I min yuri"

"Take your future husband name"

"Take park jimin"

"As my lawfull husband"

"As my lawfull husband"

"Witness by every one"

"Witness by every one"

"I will protect and love my husband and future childeren"

I think twice before I said

"I will protect and love my husband and the kiddo that is in my tummy" I said I saw everyones eyes widden

Even jimin

"With gods guide and will be a good woman to my family"

"With gods guide and will be a good woman to my family" I reapeat the last word

"B-babe your p-pregnant? " jimin Saud with shook

I just smile and nooded then put the ring in jimin that's still shock

"As the power given to me by our one and only god you may now----kiss your groom"

The Priest stop cause I suddenly kiss jimin and I feel jimin respond with the crowd clapping

I let go

"I-i'm gonna be a father? " he ask

"Yess your gonna be a father" I smiled and he kiss me again


Someones pov

As I saw them kiss and the confession yuri gave I just smirk

"Have fun yuri cause soon you'll cry until you die" I whisper to my self

"You saying something? "  taehyung beside me said

"Wait I don't even know you who envited you? " he ask

"Just give this to them " I said as I give the gift I wrap to taehyung

"Who are you? " he ask again

"Seunho" I said and run

The End

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